陳永耀教授的著作列表 - Publication List of Yung-Yaw Chen

Publication List of 陳永耀 Yung-Yaw Chen

Journal articles & book chapters:

  1. Chien-Feng Judith Huang, Win-Li Lin, San-Chao Hwang, Ching Yao, Hsu Chang, Yung-Yaw Chen, Li-Wei Kuo, “A feasibility study of wireless inductively coupled surface coil for MR-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound ablation of rodents on clinical MRI systems,” Scientific Reports, 12, Dec. 2022
  2. Wee Shin Lim, Shu-I Chiu, Meng-Ciao Wu, Shu-Fen Tsai, Pu-He Wang, Kun-Pei Lin, Yung-Ming Chen, Pei-Ling Peng, Yung-Yaw Chen, Jyh-Shing Roger Jang & Chin-Hsien Lin, “ An integrated biometric voice and facial features for early detection of Parkinson’s disease,” NPJ Parkinson's Disease, Oct. 2022
  3. Shu-Te Su, Ming-Chih Ho, Jia-Yush Yen, Yung-Yaw Chen, “ Lung image registration by featured surface matching method,” Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization, Jan. 2022
  4. Yang-Cheng Huang, Chia-Hao Tsai, Po-Chih Shih, Ching-Yuan Chen, Ming-Chih Ho, Yung-Yaw Chen, Jia-Yush Yen, “ Control of a Robotic Flexible Endoscope Holder for Laparoscopic Surgery,” ASME Journal of Medical Devices, Mar. 2021
  5. Yu-Shiang Lin, Pai-Hsin Huang, Yung-Yaw Chen, “Deep Learning-Based Hepatocellular Carcinoma Histopathology Image Classification: Accuracy Versus Training Dataset Size,” IEEE Access, Mar. 2021
  6. Shu-Te Su ; Ming-Chih Ho ; Jia-Yush Yen ; Yung-Yaw Chen, “ Featured Surface Matching Method for Liver Image Registration,” IEEE Access, Dec. 2020
  7. Jia-Yush Yen, Hao-Xiang Kang, Kuan Shen, Yung-Yaw Chen, Ming-Chih Ho, “Robotic Suturing in Minimally Invasive Surgery,” Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2020
  8. Ming-Chih Ho, Shu-Te Su, Wei-Ju Hsu, Jia-Yush Yen, Yung-Yaw Chen, “Liver Image Registration by Finite Element Model for Deriving Tumour and Vessel Locations,” International Journal of Electrical Engineering, Dec. 2019
  9. S.F. Wen, J.Y. Yen, S.T. Kiu, F.C. Wang, M.S. Chen, Y.Y. Chen, C.W. Hung, “Compensation of the residual error from the charge feedback control of a piezoelectric-actuated stage,” Proc of Institute of Mechanical Engineers Part I:Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, Vol. 231, 414-424, Apr. 2017
  10. A12. Y. T. Chao, C. J. Hsu, Y. L. Yu, J. Y. Yen, M. C. Ho, Y. Y. Chen, H. C. Chang, “A novel sound-blocking structure based on the muffler principle forrib-sparing transcostal high-intensity focused ultrasound treatment,” Int J Hyperthermia., 13, pp.1-21, May 2015
  11. A10. Y. T. Chao, Y. L. Yu, J. Y. Yen, M. Kam, C. J. Hsu, M. C. Ho, Y. Y. Chen, J. Fang, F. L. Lian, “Dynamics stress analysis for a high rigidity bendable Minimal Invasive surgical (MIS) instrument design,” Innovation, Communication and Engineering – Meen, Prior & Lam (Eds), ISBN 978-1-138-00117-6, pp 413-416, 2014
  12. Y. L. Yu, Y. T. Chao, J. Y. Yen, C. J. Hsu, M. Kam, M. C. Ho, Y. Y. Chen, F. L. Lian, “A novel application for enlarge focus area based on High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) probe with a high directivity structure design,” Innovation, Communication and Engineering – Meen, Meen, Prior & Lam (Eds),, ISBN 978-1-138-00117-6, pp. 409-412, 2014
  13. L. S. Chen, J. Y. Yen, Jack J.H. Chen, F. C. Kuo, M. S. Chen,Y. Y. Chen, B. I. Chung, “Precision tracking of a piezo-driven stage by charge feedback control,” Journal Precision Engineering, Vol. 37, pp. 793-804, Apr. 2013
  14. Y. H. Kuo, C. J. Wu, F. T. Kuo, J. Y. Yen , Y. Y. Chen,, “Image based in situ electron-beam drift detection by silicon photodiodes 3 in scanning-electron microscopy and an electron-beam lithography system,” Journal Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 103, pp. 137-143, Mar. 2013
  15. K. H. Chang, M. C. Ho, C. C. Yeh, Y. C. Chen, F. L. Lian, W. L. Lin, J. Y. Yen, Y. Y. Chen,, “Effectiveness of External Respiratory Surrogates for in vivo Liver Motion Estimation,” Medical Physics, Vol. 39, pp. 5293-5301, 2012
  16. S. Y. Chen, K. Y. Tsai, Ph. C. W. Ng, H. T. Ng, C. H. Liu, C. H. Fan, C. H. Kuan, Y. Y. Chen, Y. H. Kuo, C. J. Wu, J. Y. Yen, “In-situ beam drift detection using a two-dimensional electron beam position monitor system for multiple-electron-beam–direct-write lithography,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Volume 29, Number 4, pp. 041607-12, Aug. 2011
  17. Y. H. Kuo , C. J. Wua, J. Y. Yen, S. Y. Chen, K. Y. Tsai, and Y. Y. Chen, “Silicon photodiodes for electron beam position and drift detection in scanning electron microscopy and electron beam lithography system,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Vol. 645, Issue 1, pp. 84-89, Jul. 2011
  18. R. T. Chen, Y. Y. Chen, and Y. R. Yang, “Single-stage asymmetrical half-bridge regulator with ripple reduction technique,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 23, No. 3, May 2008
  19. A14. T. Y. Cheng, K. C. Ju, C. S. Ho, Y. Y. Chen , H. Chang, W. L. Lin, “Split-focused ultrasound transducer with multidirectional heating for breast tumor thermal surgery,” American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Volume 35, Issue 4, pp. 1387-1397, Apr. 2008
  20. R. T. Chen and Y. Y. Chen,, “Single-Stage Resonant Converter with Power Factor Correction,,” IEE Proc. Electric Power Applications,, Vol. 1, Issue:3, p.368-376, May 2007
  21. Liu HL, Chen YY, Lin Win-Li,, “A fast and conformal heating scheme for producing large thermal lesions using a 2-D ultrasound phased array,” International Journal of Hyperthermia, Volume 23, pages 69 - 82, 2007
  22. Liu HL Chen WS, Chen JS Shih TC, Chen YY, Lin Win-Li, “Cavitation-enhanced ultrasound thermal therapy by combined low- and high-frequency ultrasound exposure,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Volume 32, Issue 5, Pages 759-76, 2006
  23. Liu HL Chen WS, Chen JS Shih TC, Chen YY, Lin Win-L, “Interaction between consecutive sonications for characterizing the thermal mechanism in focused ultrasound therapy,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Volume 32, Issue 9,, Pages 1411-21, 2006
  24. R. T. Chen and Y. Y. Chen, “Single-Stage Resonant Converter with Power Factor Correction,” IEE Proc. Electric Power Applications, 2006
  25. R. T. Chen and Y. Y. Chen, “Synthesis and design of integrated magnetic transformer for VRM application,” IEE Proc. Electric Power Applications, 2006
  26. R. T. Chen and Y. Y. Chen, “An autotransformer-based VRM with input current shaper,” IEE Proc. Electric Power Applications, 2006
  27. R. T. Chen and Y. Y. Chen, “Modeling and controller design of inductor-coupled multi-module DC/DC converter with master-slave current-comparing scheme,” IEEE Proc. Electric Power Applications, vol. 152, Issue 04, pp. 977-989, Jul. 2005
  28. Ju KC, Tseng LT, Chen YY, Lin WL, “Investigation of a scanned cylindrical ultrasound system for breast hyperthermia,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol.51, p.539-555, 2005
  29. H.L. Liu, Y.Y Chen, J.Y. Yen, L.W. Li, “Pilot point temperature regulation for thermal lesion control during ultrasound thermal therapy,” Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 42, 1-11, 2004
  30. H.L. Liu, Y.Y. Chen, W.L. Lin, and J.Y. Yen, “Thermal lesion formation and determination in external ultrasound thermal therapy,” Biomedical Engineering Appl Basis Comm, Vol. 15, No. 3, 124-132, Jun. 2003
  31. K. C. Ju, Y. Y. Chen, W. L. Lin, T.S Kuo, “One-dimensional phased array with mechanical motion for conformal ultrasound hyperthermia,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 48, 167-182, 2003
  32. Y. Y. Chen, P. Y. Huang and J. Y. Yen, “Frequency Domain Identification Algorithms for Servo Systems with Frictions,” IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 10, Number 5, pp. 654-665,, Sept. 2002
  33. S. C. Lin, P. Y. Huang, and Y. Y. Chen, “An intelligent fuzzy sliding mode control system with application on precision table positioning,” Int. Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 16, pp. 1333-1356, 2001
  34. W. L. Lin, T. C. Liang, J. Y. Yen, H. L. Liu, and Y. Y. Chen, and M. J. Shieh, “Optimization of power deposition and a heating strategy for external ultrasound thermal therapy,” Medical Physics, 28, 2172-2181, 2001
  35. C. T. Liauh, W. L. Lin, J. Y. Yen, Y. Y. Chen, “Interrelationship between control parameters and tumor/bone conditions for external ultrasound hyperthermia,” Biomed Eng - Appl Basis Comm 13, Aug, 199-212, 2001
  36. W. L. Lin, C. T. Liauh, Y. Y. Chen, H. C. Lui, and M. J. Shieh, “Theoretical study of temperature elevation at muscle/bone interface during ultrasound hyperthermia,” Medical Physics, 27, 1131-1140, 2000
  37. W. L. Lin, Y. Y. Chen, K. C. Ju, J. Y. Yen, and M. J. Shieh, “An investigation of power deposition patterns for scanned ultrasound array,” Biomedical Engineering Appl Basis Comm, 12:1-10,, 2000
  38. W. L. Lin, W. C. Fan, J. Y. Yen, Y. Y. Chen, M. J. Shieh, “A theoretical study of cylindrical ultrasound transducers for intracavitary hyperthermia,” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 46, 1329-1336, 2000
  39. W. L. Lin, T. C. Liang, J. Y. Yen, Y. Y. Chen, and M. J. Shieh, “Treatable Domain and Optimal Driving Frequency for Brain Tumors during Ultrasound Hyperthermia,” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 46, 239-247, 2000
  40. W. L. Lin, J. Y. Yen, Y. Y. Chen, K. W. Jin, and M. J. Shieh, “Relationship between Acoustic Aperture Size and Tumor Conditions for External Ultrasound Hyperthermia,” Medical Physics, 26, 818-824, 1999
  41. Y. Y. Chen, W. L. Lin, H. L. Liou, J. Y. Yen, M. J. Shieh, “Self-Tuning Fuzzy Logic Control for Ultrasound Hyperthermia with Reference Temperature based on Objective Function,” Medical Physics, 26, 825-833, 1999
  42. W. L. Lin, Y. Y. Chen, J. Y. Yen, M. J. Shieh and T. S. Kuo, “Optimal configuration of multiple-focused ultrasound transducers for external hyperthermia,” Medical Physics, 26, 2007-2016, 1999
  43. S. C. Lin and Y. Y. Chen, “A Stable Self-Learning Optimal Fuzzy Control System,” Asian Journal of Control, Vol.1, No. 3, 169-177, 1999
  44. B. Y. Lu, W. L. Lin, Y. Y. Chen, R. S. Yang, T. S. Kuo, and C. Y. Wang, “An experimental concurrently multi-frequency driving system for ultrasound hyperthermia,” IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 18: (Sept/Oct.), 106-111, 1999
  45. B. Y. Lu, W. L. Lin, Y. Y. Chen, R. S. Yang, T. S Kuo, C. Y. Wang, “A multifrequency driving system for ultrasound hyperthermia,” IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 18: (Sept/Oct.), 106-111,, 1999
  46. W. L. Lin, T. C. Liang, J. Y. Yen, Y. Y. Chen, and M. J. Shieh, “Thermal dose distributions for intracavitary ultrasound thermal therapy,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 1999
  47. W. L. Lin, W. C. Fan, J. Y. Yen, Y. Y. Chen, and M. J. Shieh, “A theorectical study of cylindrical ultrasound transducers for intracavitary hyperthermia,” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 46, 1329-1336
  48. W. L. Lin, T. C. Liang, J. Y. Yen, Y. Y. Chen, and M. J. Shieh, “Optimization of Power deposition for ultrasound thermal surgery,” Medical Physics 2000
  49. W. L. Lin, T. C. Liang, Y. Y. Chen, J. Y. Yen, and M. J. Shieh, “Interrelationship between control parameters and tumor/bone conditions for external ultrasound hyperthermia,” Physics in Medicine and Biology
  50. H. L. Liu, Y. Y. Chen, W. L. Lin, and J. Y. Yen, “Thermal lesion formation and determination in external ultrasound thermal therapy,” IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control
  51. H. L. Liu, Y. Y. Chen, J. Y. Yen and W. L. Lin, “Treatment Time Reduction for Large Thermal Lesions by using a Multiple 1-D Ultrasound Phased Array System,” Physics in Medicine and Biology
  52. R. T. Chen and Y.Y. Chen, “Modeling and controller design of inductor-coupled multi-module DC/DC converter with master-slave current-comparing scheme,” IEE Proc. Electric Power Applications, accepted, 2005
  53. R. T. Chen and Y.Y. Chen, “Single stage push pull boost converter with integrated magnetics and input current shaping technique,” IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, provisionally accepted 2005.

Conference & proceeding papers:

  1. C. -Y. Tsao, C. -. T. Yeh, J. -S. Jang, Y. -Y. Chen and C. -J. Wang, “Multi-behavior Recommendation with Action Pattern-aware Networks,” IEEE International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT), Oct. 2023
  2. Kuan Shen, Jia-Yush Yen, Hao-Xiang Kang, Ming-Chih Ho, Yung-Yaw Chen, “Needle Driver Control for a Robotic MIS Suturing System,” 24th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Aug. 2020
  3. Y.F. Chang, M.C. Ho, J.Y. Yen, Y.Y. Chen, “Internal Structure Estimation by Inverse Proximity Interpolation in Liver Defomration Computations,” 2018 International Automatic Control Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan, Nov. 2018
  4. Z.H. Ma, M.C. Ho, J.Y. Yen, Y.Y. Chen, “Error Compensation Algorithm of head movement in PCCR gaze estimation method through Geometry Restoration,” 2018 International Automatic Control Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan, Nov. 2018
  5. C.C. Shen, G.S. Chen, Y.Y. Chen, W.L. Lin, “Development of a Spherical Ultrasound Transducer for Transcranial Low-Dose Ultrasound Hyperthermia Used in Brain Tumor Nanodrug Delivery,” 2018 World Congress on Medical Physics nad Miomedical Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, Jun. 2018
  6. You-Ting Liao, Chin-Yuan Chen,Jia-Yush Yen, Ming-Chih Ho, Yung-Yaw Chen, “Comparison of the Control Designs of an Human Co-Working Endoscope Holder,” 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Zadar, Croatia, Jun. 2018
  7. Chih-Chien Chien, Yi-Fan Chang, Ming-Chih Ho, Jia-Yush Yen, Yung-Yaw Chen, “Computation of Liver Deformations with Finite Element Model,” 2017 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, Kenting, Taiwan, Nov. 2017
  8. Zhi-Xiang Liu, Zheng-Hong Ma, Ming-Chih Ho, Jia-Yush Yen, Yung-Yaw Chen, “Long Range Gaze Estimation with Multiple Near-infrared Emitters,” 2017 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, Kenting, Taiwan, Nov. 2017
  9. Wei-Ju Hsu, Chih-Chien Chien, Ming-Chih Ho, Jia-Yush Yen, Yung-Yaw Chen, “Intelligent Finite Element Computations of Tissue Deformations for MIS Visualization,” 2016 International Automatic Control Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, Nov. 2016
  10. Zhi-Xiang Liu, Zheng-Hong Ma, Ming-Chih Ho, Jia-Yush Yen, Yung-Yaw Chen, “Multiple Near-infrared Emitters for Optimal Gaze Point Estimations,” 2016 International Automatic Control Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, Nov. 2016
  11. Hui-Hsuan Lu, Ming-Chih Ho, Feng-Li Lian, Jia-Yush Yen, Wen-Li Lin, Yung-Yaw Chen, “Operational Comfort Evaluation in Port Placement Planning for Minimally Invasive Surgery,” 2015 International Automatic Control Conference, Yilan, Taiwan, Nov. 2015
  12. Wei-Ju Hsu, Chih-Chien Chien, Ming-Chih Ho, Feng-Li Lian,Jia-Yush Yen, Win-Li Lin, Yung-Yaw Chen, “Computation of Liver Deformations for Minimally Invasive Surgery,” 2015 International Automatic Control Conference, Yilan, Taiwan, Nov. 2015
  13. Y. H. Tseng, W. J. Hsu, M. C. Ho, J. Y. Yen, W. L. Lin, Y. Y. Chen,, “Instrument Tracking with Cylindrical Marker for Minimally Invasive Surgery,” 2014 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan,, Nov. 2014
  14. M. Kam, S. T. Liu, J. Y. Yen., Y. T. Chao, Y. L. Yu, Y. T. Liao, Y. Y. Chen, M. C. Ho,, “Four-bar linkage based minimally invasive surgical instrument design and stiffness synthesis,” 2014 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan,, Nov. 2014
  15. K. H. Lu, H. H. Lu, M. C. Ho, J. Y. Yen, W. L. Lin, Y. Y. Chen, “Novel Hepatic Blood Vessel Detection without Shape Constraints,” 2014 CACS International Automatic Control Conference,, Kaohsiung, Taiwan,, Nov. 2014
  16. T. L. Horng, T. C. Shih, H. W. Huang, K. C. Ju, Y. Y. Chen, W. L. Lin,, “Numerical analysis of coupled effects of pulsatile blood flow and thermal relaxation time during thermal therapy,,” The 6th Asian Congress of Hyperthermic Oncology, Fukui, Japan., Sept. 2014
  17. G. S. Chen, W. L. Lin, S. C. Huang, H. Chang, Y. Y. Chen,, “MRI-compatible testing of dual-curvature high-intensity focused ultrasound phased array transducer,,” The 6th Asian Congress of Hyperthermic Oncology, Fukui, Japan., Sept. 2014
  18. T. C. Chen, M. C. Ho, Y. Y. Chen, “Port Placement Selection In Minimally Invasive Surgery,” 2013 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan, Dec. 2013
  19. M. C. Ke, Y. H. Tseng, C. W. Chen, M. C. Ho, F. L. Lian, J. Y. Yen, W. L. Lin, Y. Y. Chen, “Preliminary Study of Intracorporeal Localization for Endoscopy,” 2013 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan, Dec. 2013
  20. Z. H. Li, K. H. Chang, T. C. Chen, M. C. Ho, F. L. Lian, J. Y. Yen, W. L. Lin, Y. Y. Chen, “Improvement on the Thickness-direction Resolution of 2D US Image Positioning,” International Automatic Control Conference, Yunlin, Taiwan, Nov. 2012
  21. M. H. Tsai, K. H. Chang, M. C. Ko, M. C. Ho, F. L. Lian, J. Y. Yen, W. L. Lin, Y. Y. Chen, “Synchronized Tracking of Respiration-Induced Liver Tumor Motion by Ultrasound Imaging,” International Automatic Control Conference, Yunlin, Taiwan, Nov. 2012
  22. Y. T. Chao, Y. L. Yu, J. Y. Yen, C. J. Hsu, Y. Y. Chen, M. Kanm, “A Normal Design for Treating Tumors Behind Ribs,” International Automatic Control Conference, Yunlin, Taiwan, Nov. 2012
  23. K. T. Teng, K. H. Chang, Y. Y. Chen, T. C. Tsao,, “Respiration Induced Liver Motion Tracking Control For High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Treatment,” 2012 IEEE/ASME International Conference, pp. 57-62, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jul. 2012
  24. C. K. Lin, F. C. Lin, F. L. Lian, K. H. Chang, M. C. Ho, J. Y. Yen, Y. Y. Chen,, “Ultrasound Image-Guided Algorithms for Tracking Liver Motion,” 2012 IEEE/ASME International Conference, pp. 51-56, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jul. 2012
  25. C. W. Chen, and Y. Y. Chen,, “Recovering Depth from a Single Image Using Spectral Energy of the Defocused Step Edge Gradient,,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp.2021-2024, Brussel, Belgium, Sept. 2011
  26. K. H. Chang, M. C. Ho, C. C. Yeh, F. L. Lian, J. Y. Yen, Y. Y. Chen,, “Ultrasound Image-guided Tracking Algorithm for Moving-tumor Treatment,” International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound, June 9-12, Tokyo, Japan, Jun. 2010
  27. C. F. Cheng, W. Li Lin, Y. Y. Chen, “Effects of Tracking Error on Lesion Formation in High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Liver Tumor Tracking,” nternational Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound, June 9-12, Tokyo, Japan, Jun. 2010
  28. S. Y. Chen, K. Y. Tsai*, H. T. Ng, C. H. Fan, T. H. Pei, C. H. Kuan, Y. Y. Chen, Y. H. Kuo, C. J. Wu, J. Y. Yen, “Beam Drift Detection using a Two-Dimensional Electron Beam Position Monitor System for Multiple-Electron-Beam–Direct-Write Lithography,” The 54th International Conference on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication, P2-10, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, Jun. 2010
  29. S. Y. Chen, K. Y. Tsai*, H. T. Ng, C. H. Fan, T. H. Pei, C. H. Kuan, Y. Y. Chen, J. Y. Yen, “Preliminary design of a two-dimensional electron beam position monitor system for multiple-electron-beam-direct-write lithography,” Lithography Asia 2009 -- Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7520,, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 2009
  30. K. H. Chang; Y. Y. Chen, “Efficiency on Snake Robot Locomotion with Constant and Variable Bending Angles,” ARSO 2008, Taipei, Aug. 2008
  31. Y.S. Huang, C.S. Ho, M.C. Hsu, Y.Y. Chen, W.L. Lin, “Investigation of Dual Curved Ultrasound Phased Arrays for Breast Tumor Thermal Therapy,” IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Sym., 1784-1787, New York, USA, Oct. 2007
  32. C12. MC Hsu, H Chang, YY Chen, Win-Li Lin, “High Intensity focused ultrasound thermal therapy for liver tumor with respiration motion,” IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Sym.,” IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Sym. (Conf. of IEEE-UFFC), 1734-1737, Vancouver, Canada, 2006
  33. Y. Y. Chen and Jia-Chuan Lin, “Intelligent Dual-Speed Design for Face-Up Chemical Mechanical Polishing,” IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, 1133-1138, Monterey, California, USA., Jul. 2005
  34. R. T. Chen, Y. Y. Chen, “Modeling and implementation of three-module parallel push-pull converter with novel average current scheme,” Proceedings of Taiwan Power Electronics Conference, pp.859-866, Taiwan, 2005
  35. C. S. Ho, KC Ju, Y. Y. Chen, WL Lin, “A cylindrical phased-array ultrasound transducer for beast tumor thermal therapy,” Proc. of IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symp, 1724-1727, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2005
  36. H. L. Liu, WS Chen, J. S. Chen, TC Shih, Y. Y. Chen, W. L. Lin, “Cavitation-enhanced ultrasound thermal surgery by combining low and high frequency ultrasound exposure,” Proc of Ann Conf for BMES of ROC, 2005
  37. R. T. Chen, Y.Y. Chen, “A novel single stage push pull converter with integrated magnetics and ripple-free input current,” IEEE Power Electronic Specialists Conference, 3848-3853, Aachen, Germany, Jun. 2004
  38. C.T .Yang, C.Y. Liu, Y.Y Chen, W.L. Lin, “Investigation of a sector-vortex phased array with mechanical scanning for ultrasound thermal surgery,” Proc of 9th Int. Congr on Hyperthermic Oncology,, St. Louis, USA, Apr. 2004
  39. R. T. Chen, Y.Y. Chen, “Reduced order steady analysis and dynamic control of the hybrid resonant converter operated in DCM and CCM,” Proceedings of Taiwan Power Electronics Conference, Vol. 1, pp.534-539, Taiwan, 2004
  40. R. T. Chen, Y.Y. Chen, “Simplify modeling and implement of a hybrid resonant converter operating in DCM and CCM with state feedback control,” IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference, 2-6, Busan, Korea, 2004
  41. S.Y Pao, M.J Huang, Y.Y Chen, W.L. Lin, “In silico identification of tissue-specific gens by analyzing the database of human expressed sequence tags,” Proc of 2003 Ann Conf for BMES of ROC, 64, 2003
  42. G.J Young, K.Y Liu, Y.Y Chen, W.L. Lin, “The investigation of the ultrasound sector-vortex phased arrays for thermal surgery,” Proc of 2003 Ann Conf for BMES of ROC, 48, 2003
  43. H.L. Liu, Y.Y Chen, W.L. Lin, “Thermal dose control with tracking a temperature function during ultrasound thermal therapy,” Proc of 2003 Ann Conf for BMES of ROC, 36, 2003
  44. H. L. Liu, Y. Y. Chen, J. Y. Yen, W. L. Lin, “Heating Strategy for Large-Volume Ultrasoudn Thermal Therapy Using 2-D Phased Array,” 3rd Asian Congress on Hyperthermic Oncology, 2002
  45. K. C. Ju, Y. Y. Chen, W. L. Lin, T. S. Kuo, “Scanned Cylindrical Ultrasound Applicator for Breast Hyperthermia,” 3rd Asian Congress on Hyperthermic Oncology, 2002
  46. C. Y. Liu, J. Y. Yen, Y. Y. Chen, W. L. Lin, “A Heating System with Sector-vortex Phased Array Ultrasound Transducers for Thermal Surgery,” 3rd Asian Congress on Hyperthermic Oncology, 2002
  47. C. Y. Liu, J. Y. Yen, Y. Y. Chen, W. L. Lin, “A scanned sector-vortex phased array system for ultrasound thermal therapy,” Proc. 2nd European Med & Biol Eng Conf, Vienna, Austria, 2002
  48. K.C. Ju, L. T. Teng, W. L. Lin, Y. Y. Chen, T. S. Kuo, “Design of scanned cylindrical ultrasound system for breast hyperthermia,” Proc. 2nd European Med & Biol Eng Conf, Vienna, Austria, 2002
  49. H. L. Liu, Y. Y. Chen, W. L. Lin, “Large-volume ultrasound thermal therapy using a 2-D phased array,” Proc. 2nd European Med & Biol Eng Conf, Vienna, Austria, 2002
  50. C. Y. Liu, J. Y. Yen, Y. Y. Chen, and W. L. Lin, “A Heating System of Multiple Lens Ultrasound Transducers,” Proc of 2001 Ann Conf for BMES of ROC, 2001
  51. K. C. Ju, Y. Y. Chen, W. L. Lin, and T. S. Kuo, “Conformal Heating Using Scanned 1-D Phased Array for Ultrasound Hyperthermia,” Proc of 2001 Ann Conf for BMES of ROC, 2001
  52. H. L. Liu, Y. Y. Chen, W. L. Lin, and J. Y. Yen, “Conformal Ultrasound Thermal Therapy using 2-D Phased Array,” Proc of 2001 Ann Conf for BMES of ROC, 2001
  53. T. Y. Huang and Y. Y. Chen, “Diversity-based Selection Pooling Scheme in Evolution Strategies,” in Proceedings of the 16th ACM SAC2001 Symposium, pp. 351-355, 2001
  54. T. Y. Huang and Y. Y. Chen, “Parental Population Manipulation in Evolution Strategies,” in Applications and Science of Computational Intelligence IV, Kevin L. Priddy, Paul E. Keller, Peter J. Angeline, Editors, Proce, Vol. 4390, pp. 3, 2001
  55. T. Y. Huang and Y. Y. Chen, “Parental Population Sizing in Evolutionary Strategies,” in Evolutionary Computation, 2001. Proceedings of the 2001 Congress on, Volume: 2, pp. 1, 2001
  56. T. Y. Huang and Y. Y. Chen, “Generation of a Fuzzy Logic Controller Using Evolutionary Strategies,” in IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International Conference, 2001. Joint 9th, Volume: 1, pp. 2, 2001
  57. K. C. Ju, Y. Y. Chen, W. L. Lin, T. S. Kuo, “Conformal Heating Using Scanned 1-D Phased Array for External Ultrasound Hyperthermia,” 2001 Ultrasounics Symposium, 1339-1342, 2001
  58. H. L. Liu, Y. Y. Chen, W. L. Lin, J. Y. Yen, “Scanned Ultrasound Thermal Therapy System Design Using Gradient Method and Genetic Algorithms,” Proceedings of the International Federation for Medical & Biological Engineering, 592—595, 2001
  59. H. L. Liu, Y. Y. Chen, J. Y. Yen, and W. L. Lin, “Relationship between control parameters and thermal dose distribution for external ultrasound thermal therapy,” World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Chicago, USA, Jul. 2000
  60. K. C. Ju, Y. Y. Chen, J. Y. Yen, and W. L. Lin, “Heating patterns of scanned phased array ultrasound transducers for external localized hyperthermia,” World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Chicago, USA, Jul. 2000
  61. W. L. Lin, Y. Y. Chen, and C. T. Liauh, “Treatable domain and optimal frequency for brain tumors during ultrasound hyperthermia,” Proc of 8th Int. Congr on Hyperthermic Oncology, Kyongju, Korea, Apr. 2000
  62. W. L. Lin, J. Y. Yen, and Y. Y. Chen, “A theoretical study of cylindrical ultrasound transducers for intracavitary hyperthermia,” Proc of 8th Int. Congr on Hyperthermic Oncology, Kyongju, Korea, Apr. 2000
  63. H. L. Liu, Y. Y. Chen, W. L. Lin, and J. Y. Yen, “Scanned ultrasound phased array system design in thermal therapy,” Proc of 2000 Ann Conf for BMES of ROC, Apr. 2000
  64. K. C. Ju, Y. Y. Chen, J. U. Yen, T. S. Kuo, W. L. Lin, “Heating Patterns of Scanned Phased Array Ultrasound Transducers for External Localized Hyperthermia,” World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 2000
  65. T. Y. Huang and Y. Y. Chen, “Modified Evolution Strategies with a Diversity-Based Parent-Inclusion Scheme,” in Control Applications, 2000. Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 379 -384, 2000
  66. B. Y. Lu, W. L. Lin, R. S. Yang, Y. Y. Chen, C. Y. Wang, and T. S Kuo, “The temperature distributions of bone tumor therapy using scanned focused ultrasound system,” Proc of the First Joint BMES/EMBS Conference, p. 1272, Atlanta, USA, Oct. 1999
  67. P. Y. Huang and Y. Y. Chen, “Learning of Genetic Algorithms with Explicit Constraints,” 1999 IFSA Anuual Conference, 294-298, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, Aug. 1999
  68. P. Y. Huang and Y. Y. Chen, “Binary Excitation Based System Identification for Precision Ballscrew Table,” 1999 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications and IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Des, Kohala Coast-Island of Hawaii, Haiwaii, USA, Aug. 1999
  69. H. L. Liu, Y. Y. Chen, W. L. Lin, and J. Y. Yen, “Feasibility of high temperature ultrasound therapy system for deep-seated tumors,” Proc of 1999 Ann Conf for BMES of ROC, 102-103, 1999
  70. K. C. Ju, Y. Y. Chen, W. L. Lin, and T. S Kuo, “Heating patterns of scanned phased array ultrasound transducers for external localized hyperthermia,” Proc of 1999 Ann Conf for BMES of ROC, 104-105, 1999
  71. T. C. Liang, J. Y. Yen, W. L. Lin, M. J. Shieh, Y. Y. Chen, T. C. Shih, and H. S. Kuo, “Optimization of power deposition for external ultrasound thermal therapy,” Proc of 1999 Ann Conf for BMES of ROC, 115-116, 1999
  72. K. C. Ju. Y. Y. Chen, W. L. Lin, and T. S Kuo, “The low-pass filter effect on bio-heat transfer equation,” Proc of 1999 Ann Conf for BMES of ROC, 329-330, 1999
  73. Wei-Ju Hsu, Chih-Chien Chien, Ming-Chih Ho, Feng-Li Lian,Jia-Yush Yen, Win-Li Lin, Yung-Yaw Chen, “Computation of Liver Deformations for Minimally Invasive Surgery,” 2015 International Automatic Control Conference, Yilan, Taiwan


  1. Y. Y. Chen, Hirota Kaoro and J. Y. Yen, “Soft Computing in Intelligent Systems and Information Processing: Proceedings of 1996 AFSS,” IEEE Publishing, 1996


  1. 顏家鈺、陳永耀、郭逸宏、吳政儒, “電子束漂移偵測裝置及偵測電子束漂移之方法,” 發明第I 426359號, Feb. 2014
  2. 顏家鈺、陳永耀、郭逸宏、吳政儒, “電子束漂移偵測裝置及偵測電子束漂移之方法,” 發明第I 426359號, Feb. 2014
  3. 盧並裕, 林文澧, 郭德盛, 陳永耀, 王正一, “多通道高溫腫瘤系統,” 台灣, 89109289, 1999


  1. 陳永耀, “以影像為基礎之智慧型動作辨識,” Oct. 2008, 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果發表, NSC 96-2221-E-002-262-
  2. 陳永耀, “智慧型居家看護影像監控系統(Ⅲ),” Jan. 2008, 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果發表, NSC 95-2221-E-002-234-
  3. 陳永耀, “座艙聲紋分析系統之研發,” Jan. 2008, 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果發表, NSC 95-3114-E-002-004
  4. 陳永耀, “智慧型居家看護影像監控系統 (Ⅱ),” Aug. 2006, 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果發表, NSC94-2213-E-002-050-
  5. 陳永耀, “微型仿生生物體之研發-總計畫-微型仿生生物體之研發(Ⅲ),” Aug. 2006, 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果發表,NSC94-2213-E-002-020-
  6. 陳永耀, “微型仿生生物體之研發-子計畫三:智慧型感測系統與仿生生物體行為及運動模式設計 (Ⅲ),” Aug. 2006, 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果發表, NSC94-2213-E-002-023-
  7. 陳永耀, “微型仿生生物體之研發-子計畫三:智慧型感測系統與仿生生物體行為及運動模式設計(Ⅱ),” Jul. 2006, 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC93-2213-E-002-050
  8. 陳永耀, “智慧型居家看護影像監控系統(Ⅰ),” Jul. 2005, 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC93-2218-E-002-104
  9. 陳永耀, “霍爾效應在電子加速踏板之應用,” Jan. 2005, 台大嚴慶齡工業發展基金會委託研究計劃成果報告, 93-S-B01E
  10. 陳永耀, “微鏡面模組驅動與量測系統研發,” Jan. 2005, 台大嚴慶齡工業發展基金會委託研究計劃成果報告, 93-S-B67
  11. 陳永耀, “磁浮控制器之先期研究,” Jan. 2005, 台大嚴慶齡工業發展基金會委託研究計劃成果報告, 93-S-C03
  12. 陳永耀, “提昇產業技術及人才培育計劃—MPEG4影音壓縮Linux平台技術開發,” Dec. 2004, 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC92-2622-E-002-034-CC3
  13. 陳永耀, “微型仿生生物體之研發-總計畫-微型仿生生物體之研發(Ⅰ),” Aug. 2004, 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC92-2213-E-002-051
  14. 陳永耀, “微型仿生生物體之研發-子計畫三:智慧型感測系統與仿生生物體行為及運動模式設計(Ⅰ),” Aug. 2004, 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC92-2213-E-002-054
  15. 陳永耀, “以機電整合為出發點之智慧型嵌入式複合系統控制系統--新型平面磁浮系統設計與控制應用-子計畫二:智慧型嵌入式複合系統控制方法之研究(Ⅲ),” Aug. 2003, 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC91-2213-E-002-023
  16. 陳永耀, “智慧型高速真圓度測定儀之設計與發展-子計畫二:座標定位系統之智慧型複合式伺服設計(Ⅲ),” Aug. 2003, 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC91-2213-E-002-027
  17. 陳永耀, “提昇產業技術及人才培育計劃—高密度激磁及磁浮軸承散熱風扇之研發,” Jun. 2003, 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC91-2622-E-002-032-CC3
  18. 陳永耀, “以機電整合為出發點之智慧型嵌入式複合控制系統-新型平面磁浮系統設計與控制應用-子計劃二:智慧型嵌入式複合系統控制方法之研究(II),” Aug. 2002, 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC 90-2213-E002-030
  19. 陳永耀, “智慧型高速真圓度測定儀之設計與發展-子計畫二:座標定位系統之智慧型複合式伺服設計(II),” Aug. 2002, 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC 90-2213-E002-034
  20. 王棟欽,呂哲安,陳治宏,林文澧,王正一,陳永耀,盧並裕,郭德盛, “機械式振動超音波牙刷之研究,” 2002, 中華民國九十一年醫學工程科技研討會論文集,D1-47-48
  21. 陳永耀, “以機電整合為出發點之智慧型嵌入式複合控制系統-新型平面磁浮系統設計與控制應用-子計劃二:智慧型嵌入式複合系統控制方法之研究(I),” Aug. 2001, 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC 89-2213-E002-145
  22. 陳永耀, “智慧型高速真圓度測定儀之設計與發展-子計畫二:座標定位系統之智慧型複合式伺服設計(I),” Aug. 2001, 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC 89-2213-E002-149
  23. 陳永耀, “位置相關摩擦力之識別與補償研究,” Aug. 2000, 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC 89-2213-E002-090
  24. 陳永耀, “智慧型家庭用電力管理與節能網路系統-子計劃二: 智慧型住宅節能系統之發展,” Aug. 2000, 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC 89- TPC-E002-006
  25. 陳永耀, “雙軸超高精度磁浮定位機構之驅動,量測與設計–子計劃三:高精度量測技術研發(III),” Aug. 1999, 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC 88-2213-E002-085
  26. 陳永耀, 傅立成, 劉志文, “台灣電業自由化下電能交易及調度之研究,” Jan. 1999, NSC 87-TPC-E002-034
  27. 盧並裕, 林文澧, 郭德盛, 陳永耀, 王正一, “多通道高溫腫瘤系統,” 1999, 發明專利, 台灣, 89109289
  28. 陳永耀, “ 蛇形仿生運動機制及前瞻載具驅動系統之研究-總計畫:蛇形仿生運動機制及前瞻載具驅動系統之研究(I),” 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果發表, NSC 95-2221-E-002-301-MY3
  29. 陳永耀, “蛇形仿生運動機制及前瞻載具驅動系統研究-子計畫四:蛇形運動控制方法及前瞻載具驅動器設計,” 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC 95-2221-E-002-304-MY3
  30. 陳永耀, “以影像為基礎之多目標智慧型動作辨識,” 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果發表, NSC 97-2221-E-002-165-MY3
  31. 陳永耀, “微型仿生生物體之研發-總計畫-微型仿生生物體之研發(Ⅱ),” 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC93-2213-E-002-047
  32. 陳永耀, “提昇產業技術及人才培育研究計劃—智慧型機房監控系統之溫控模組設計,” 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC93-2622-E-002-032-CC3
  33. 陳永耀, “由呼吸導致週期性位移肝腫瘤之超音波熱劑量控制方法研發-總計畫:由呼吸導致週期性位移肝腫瘤之超音波熱劑量控制方法研發,” 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC 98-2221-E-002-180-MY3,
  34. 陳永耀, “由呼吸導致週期性位移肝腫瘤之超音波熱劑量控制方法研發-子計畫一:肝腫瘤位置追蹤及高強度聚焦超音波熱療控制系統研發,” 行政院國家科委員會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC 98-2221-E-002-189-MY3
  35. 陳永耀, “智慧型微創手術擴增實境系統研發-總計畫兼子計畫二:智慧型微創手術擴增實境系統研發,” 科技部專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC 101-2221-E-002-146-MY3
  36. 陳永耀, “結合影像深度資訊之智慧型人體動作辨識與多目標追蹤,” 科技部專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC 101-2221-E-002-176-MY3