陳耀銘特聘教授的著作列表 - Publication List of Yaow-Ming Chen

Publication List of 陳耀銘 Yaow-Ming Chen

Journal articles & book chapters:

  1. Wen-Tien Tsai, Yu-Jen Chen, Yaow-Ming Chen, “A Modified Forward PFC Converter for LED Lighting Applications,” IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics, 3, 787-797, 2022
  2. Terng-Wei Tsai, Yi-Chan Li, Cheng-Jhen Yang, Yaow-Ming Chen, “Per-Phase Active Power Distribution Strategy for Three-Phase Grid-Tied Inverters Under Unbalanced Conditions Without DC Sources,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 9, 6624-6636, Dec. 2021
  3. Ying-Ting Huang, Ching-Chieh Yang, Tien-Sheng Li, Yaow-Ming Chen, “A Feedforward Voltage Control Strategy for Reducing the Output Voltage Double-Line- Frequency Ripple in Single-Phase AC–DC Converters,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 9, 6605-6612, Dec. 2021
  4. Ching-Chieh Yang, Yang-Lin Chen, Bo-Yuan Chen, Yaow-Ming Chen, “Active Capacitors With Ripple Cancellation Control for AC-DC Converter Applications,” IEEE Access, 9, 103937-103949, 2021
  5. Ying-Ting Huang, Chia-Hao Li, Yaow-Ming Chen, “A Modified Asymmetrical Half-Bridge Flyback Converter for Step-Down AC–DC Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 35, 4613-4621, May 2020
  6. Kuo-Yuan Lo, Yaow-Ming Chen, “Design of a Seamless Grid-Connected Inverter for Microgrid Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 11, 194-202, Jan. 2020
  7. Noor Syafawati Ahmad, Terng-Wei Tsai, Yaow-Ming Chen, “Single-Phase Grid-Connected Inverters With Simplified SPWM Control,” IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics, 1, 170-179, 2020
  8. Cheng-Yu Tang, Li-Huan Kao, Yaow-Ming Chen, Sheng-Yuan Ou, “Dynamic Power Decoupling Strategy for Three-Phase PV Power Systems Under Unbalanced Grid Voltages,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 10, 540-548, Apr. 2019
  9. Terng-Wei Tsai, Cheng-Jhen Yang, Yi-Chan Li, Yaow-Ming Chen, Yung-Ruei Chang, “DC-Bus Dual-Level Control Strategy for PV Power System With Dual-Mode Operation,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 34, 267-276, Mar. 2019
  10. 3. F-Y Wu and Y-M Chen, “Impact of PWM Duty Cycle Jitter on Switching-Mode Power Converter Efficiency,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 32, No. 11, 8751-8762, Nov. 2017
  11. C-N Wu and Y-M Chen, “Inductor Current Measurement Strategy for High-Precision Output Current Control,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1263-1271, Sept. 2017
  12. 4. C-Y Liao, W-S Lin, Y-M Chen, and C-Y Chou, “A PV Micro-inverter with PV Current Decoupling Strategy,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 32, No. 8, 6544-6557, Aug. 2017
  13. C-Y Tang, C-J Tsai, Y-M Chen, and Y-R Chang, “Dynamic Optimal AC Line Current Regulation Method for Three-Phase Active Power Conditioners,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 5, No. 2, 901-911, Jun. 2017
  14. K-Y Lo, Y-M Chen, and Y-R Chang, “Bi-Directional Single-Stage Grid-Connected Inverter for Battery Energy Storage System,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 63, No. 6, 4581-4590, Jun. 2017
  15. 6. Y-L Chen and Y-M Chen, “Line Current Distortion Compensation for DCM/CRM Boost PFC Converters,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2026-2038, Mar. 2016
  16. C-Y Tang; Y-T Chen, and Y-M Chen, “PV Power System With Multi-Mode Operation and Low-Voltage Ride-Through Capability,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 62, No. 12, 7524-7533, Dec. 2015
  17. C-Y Tang, Y-F Chen, and Y-M Chen, “DC-Link Voltage Control Strategy for Three-Phase Back-to-Back Active Power Conditioners,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 62, No. 10, 6306-6316, Oct. 2015
  18. C-W Chen, C-Y Liao, K-H Chen, and Y-M Chen, “Modeling and Controller Design of a Semi-isolated Multi-input Converter for a Hybrid PV/Wind Power Charger System,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 30, No. 9, 4843-4853-4853, Sept. 2015
  19. Y-L Chen, H-J Chen, Y-M Chen, and K-H Liu, “Stepping On-Time Adjustment Method for Interleaved Multichannel PFC Converters,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 30, No. 3, 1170-1176-1176, Mar. 2015
  20. C-N Wu, Y-L Chen, and Y-M Chen, “Primary-Side Peak Current Measurement Strategy for High-Precision Constant Output Current Control,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 30, No. 2, 967-975-975, Feb. 2015
  21. C-W Chen, K-H Chen, and Y-M Chen, “Modeling and Controller Design of an Autonomous PV module for DMPPT PV Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 29, No. 9, 4723-4732-4732, Sept. 2014
  22. C-H Chang, Y-H Lin, Y-M Chen, and Y-R Chang, “Simplified Reactive Power Control for Single-Phase Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverters,” IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol 61, No.5, pp.2286-2296, May 2014
  23. C-H Chang, F-Y Wu, and Y-M Chen, “Modularized Bidirectional Grid-Connected Inverter With Constant-Frequency Asynchronous Sigma–Delta Modulation,” IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 59, No. 11, 4088-4100, Nov. 2012
  24. Y.-M Chen, K.-Y. Lo, and Y.-R. Chang, “MPPT Battery Charger for Stand-Alone Wind Power System,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 26, No. 6, 1631-1638, Jun. 2011
  25. Y.-M. Chen, Y.-C. Chen, and T.-F. Wu, “Feed-Forward Delta Modulation for Power Converters,” IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57, No. 12, 4126-4136, Dec. 2010
  26. Y.-M. Chen, H.-C. Wu, Y.-C. Chen, K.-Y. Lee, and S.-S. Shyu, “AC Line Current Regulation Strategy for Grid-Connected PV System,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 25, No. 1, 209-218, Jan. 2010
  27. Y.-C. Liu, and Y.-M. Chen, “A Systematic Approach to Synthesizing Multi-Input DC/DC Converters,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp.116-127, Jan. 2009
  28. T.-F. Wu, C.-T. Tsai, Y.-D. Chang, and Y.-M. Chen, “Analysis and Implementation of an Improved Current-Doubler Rectifier with Coupled Inductors,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp.2681-2693, Nov. 2008
  29. C.-Y. Wu, Y.-M. Chen and T.-F. Wu, “Multistring LED Backlight Driving System for LCD Panels with Color Sequential Display and Area Control,” IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 55, No. 10, pp. 3791-3800, Oct. 2008
  30. Y.-M. Chen, S.-Y. Fan, and W.-S. Lu, “Performance Analysis of Linear Permanent Magnet Motors for Design Considerations,” IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Vol. 44, No. 3, pp.377-385, Mar. 2008
  31. J.-R. Tsai, T.-F. Wu, C.-Y. Wu, Y.-M. Chen and M.-C. Lee, “Interleaving Phase Shifters for Critical-Mode Boost PFC,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp.1348-1357, Mar. 2008
  32. S.-Y. Tseng, T.-F. Wu, and Y.-M. Chen, “Wide Pulse Combined with Narrow Pulse Generator for Food Sterilization,” IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp.741-748, Feb. 2008
  33. T.-F. Wu, J.-C. Hung, J.-T. Tsai, C.-T. Tsai, and Y.-M. Chen, “An Active-Camp Push-Pull Converter for Battery Sourcing Applications,” IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 196-204, Jan. 2008
  34. Y.-M. Chen, M.-W. Chou, S.-C. Wu, and K.-Y. Lee, “On-Line Failure Prediction of the Electrolytic Capacitor for LC Filter of Switching-Mode Power Converters,” IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp.400-406, Jan. 2008
  35. T.-F. Wu, Y.-S. Lai, J.-C. Hung, Y.-M. Chen, “Boost Converter With Coupled Inductors and Buck-Boost Type of Active Clamp,” IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp.154-162, Jan. 2008
  36. Y.-M. Chen, Y.-C. Liu, S.-C. Hung, and C.-S. Cheng, “Multi-Input Inverter for Grid- Connected Hybrid PV/Wind Power System,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp.1070-1077, 2007
  37. C.-C. Chen, C.-Y. Wu, Y.-M. Chen, and T.-F. Wu, “Sequential Color LED Backlight Driving System for LCD Panels,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp.919-925, 2007
  38. Y.-M. Chen, Y.-C. Liu, and S.-H. Lin, “Double-Input PWM DC/DC Converter for High/Low Voltage Sources,” IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 53, No. 5, pp.1538-1545, 2006
  39. Y.-M. Chen, S.-Y. Fan, and W.-S. Lu, “Electromagnetic Force Analysis of the Magnetically Levitated Motor with Two Directions of Movement,” IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 31-41, 2006
  40. Y.-M. Chen , C-H. Lee and H.-C. Wu, “Calculation of the Optimum Installation Angle for Fixed Solar Cell Panels Based on Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing Methods,” IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp.467-473, 2005
  41. T.-F. Wu, J.-C. Hung, S.-Y. Tseng, and Y.-M. Chen, “A Single-Stage Fast Regulator With PFC Based on an Asymetrical Half-Bridge Topology,” IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 139-150, 2005
  42. Y.-M. Chen, S.-Y. Tseng, C.-T. Tsai and T.-F. Wu, “Interleaved Buck Converters with a Single-Capacitor Turn-Off Snubber,” IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 954-967, 2004
  43. Y.-M. Chen, Y.-C. Liu, and F.-Y. Wu, “Multi-Input Converter with Power Factor Correction, Maximum Power Point Tracking, and Ripple-Free Input Currents,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp.631-639, 2004
  44. Y.-M. Chen and Y.-M. Cheng, “Amplitude Distortion Compensation for Voltage Source DC/AC Inverters,” International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 91, No. 2, pp. 83-96, 2004
  45. Y.-M. Chen, “Passive Filter Design Using Genetic Algorithm,” IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 202-207, 2003
  46. T.-F. Wu, S.-A. Liang, and Y.-M. Chen, “Design Optimization for Asymmetrical ZVS-PWM Zeta Converter,” IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol.39, No. 2, pp.521-532, 2003
  47. Y.-M. Chen, Y.-C. Liu, and F.-Y. Wu, “Multi-Input DC/DC Converter Based on the Multiwinding Transformer for Renewable Energy Applications,” IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp.1096-1104, 2002
  48. Y.-M. Chen and R. M. O'Connell, “Neural Network - Genetic Algorithm Fusion in Active Power Line Conditioner Control,” The International Journal of Knowledge-based Intelligent Engineering System, Vol.2, No.1, pp.1-8, 1998
  49. Y.-M. Chen and R. M. O'Connell, “Active Power Line Conditioner with a Neural Network Control,” IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, Vol.33, No.4, pp.1131-1136, 1997
  50. Y-L Chen, H-J Chen, Y-M Chen, and K-H Liu, “Stepping On-Time Adjustment Method for Interleaved Multichannel PFC Converters,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics

Conference & proceeding papers:

  1. C-Y Tang, Y-F Chen, Y-C Hsu, Y-M Chen, “DC-Bus Voltage Regulation Strategy for Three-Phase Back-to-Back Active Power Conditioners,” IEEE International Conference on Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 3957-3963-3963, Pittsburgh, USA, Sept. 2014
  2. S-Y Lee, Y-L Chen, Y-M Chen, and K-H Liu, “Development of the Active Capacitor for PFC Converters,” IEEE International Conference on Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 1522-1527-1527, Pittsburgh, USA, Sept. 2014
  3. C-W Chen, K-H Chen, and Y-M Chen, “Modeling and Controller Design for the Multi-Input PV/Wind Charger,” 16th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 1-8-8, Lappeenranta, Finland, Aug. 2014
  4. C-W Chen, K-H Chen, and Y-M Chen, “A Semi-Isolated Multi-Input Converter for Hybrid PV/Wind Power Charger System,” IEEE International Power Electronics Conference, 3592-3597-3597, Hiroshima, Japan, May 2014
  5. F-Y Wu, Y-M Chen, and C-W Chen, “Impact of PWM Jitter to Switching-Mode Power Converter Efficiency,” 15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, pp. 1-8., Lille, France, Sept. 2013
  6. C-Y Liao, W-H Lin, K-S Chen, Y-M Chen, and C-Y Chou, “Forward-type micro-inverter with current decoupling,” IEEE International Conference on Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp. 3277-3282, Denver, USA, Sept. 2013
  7. C-Y Tang, Y-T Chen, Y-F Chen, Y-M Chen, and Y-R Chang, “Multi-Mode Interleaved Boost Converter for Photovoltaic Power Systems with Low-Voltage Ride-Through Capability,” IEEE International Conference on Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp. 1096-1101, Denver, USA, Sept. 2013
  8. H-J Chen, S-Y Lee, Y-M Chen, Y-L Chen, and K-H Liu, “A Stepping On-Time Adjustment Method for Interleaving Three-Channel Critical Mode Boost PFC Converter,” IEEE International Conference on Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp. 749-754, Denver, USA, Sept. 2013
  9. Y-L Chen, Y-M Chen, and H-J Chen, “On-Time Compensation Method for CRM/DCM Boost PFC Converters,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, pp. 3096-3100, Long Beach, CA, USA, Mar. 2013
  10. C-N Wu, Y-M Chen, and Y-L Chen, “High-Precision Constant Output Current Control for Primary-Side Regulated Flyback Converters,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, pp. 3092-3095, Long Beach, CA, USA, Mar. 2013
  11. C-Y Liao, Y-M Chen, and W-H Lin, “Forward-Type Micro-Inverter with Power Decoupling,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, pp. 2852-2857, Long Beach, CA, USA, Mar. 2013
  12. C-H Chang, Y-H Lin, Y-T Chen, Y-M Chen, and Y-R Chang, “A Simplified Reactive Power Control for Single-Phase Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Inverters,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, pp. 2793-2798, Long Beach, CA, USA, Mar. 2013
  13. Y.-L. Chen, Y.-M. Chen, and C.-N. Wu, “The Time Domain Analysis for Constant On-Time Critical Mode Boost-Type PFC Converters,” IEEE International Conference on Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp. 4643-4648, Raleigh NC, USA, Sept. 2012
  14. C.-W. Chen, K.-H. Chen, and Y.-M. Chen, “Modeling and Controller Design for a Four-Switch Buck-Boost Converter in Distributed Maximum Power Point Tracking PV System Applications,” IEEE International Conference on Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp. 1663-1668, Raleigh NC, USA, Sept. 2012
  15. Y.-M. Chen, C.-H. Chang, Y.-R. Chang, “H5™ Inverter with Constant-Frequency Asynchronous Sigma-Delta Modulation,” IEEE International Conference on Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp. 3522-3527, Phoenix, USA, Sept. 2011
  16. Y.-M. Chen and C.-Y. Liao, “Three-Port Flyback-Type Single-Phase Micro-Inverter with Active Power Decoupling Circuit,” IEEE International Conference on Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp.501-506, Phoenix, USA, Sept. 2011
  17. Y.-M. Chen, K.-Y. Lo, and Y.-R. Chang, “Multi-String Single-Stage Grid-Connected Inverter for PV System,” IEEE International Conference on Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp. 2751-2756, Phoenix, USA, Sept. 2011
  18. Y.-M. Chen, C.-W. Chen, and Y.-L. Chen, “Development of an Autonomous Distributed Maximum Power Point Tracking PV System,” IEEE International Conference on Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp. 3614-3619, Phoenix, USA, Sept. 2011
  19. Y.-M. Chen, Y.-L. Chen, and C.-W. Chen, “Progressive Smooth Transition for Four-Switch Buck-Boost Converter in Photovoltaic Applications,” IEEE International Conference on Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp.3620-3625, Phoenix, USA, Sept. 2011
  20. Y.-M. Chen and C.-H. Chang, “Modularized Bi-Directional Grid-Tied Inverter with Asynchronous Sigma-Delta Modulation,” IEEE International Conference on Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp. 31-36, Atlanta, USA, Sept. 2010
  21. Y.-M. Chen, H.-C. Wu, and C.-H. Chang, “Selection of DC Link Capacitance for Grid-Connected PV System,” IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive System, pp72-77, Taipei, Nov. 2009
  22. Y.-M. Chen, C.-H. Chang, and K.-Y. Liu, “Grid-Tied Inverter with Current-Mode Asynchronous Sigma-Delta Modulation,” IEEE International Conference on Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp.928-933, San Jose, USA, Sept. 2009
  23. Y.-M. Chen, K.-Y. Liu, S.-K. Chiang, and Y.-R. Chang, “Bi-Directional Grid-Tied Inverter with Predictive Current Control,” IEEE International Conference on Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp.916-919, San Jose, USA, Sept. 2009
  24. Y.-M. Chen, H.-C. Wu and Y.-C. Chen, “DC Bus Regulation Strategy for Grid-Connected PV Power Generation System,” IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, pp.437-442, Singapore, Nov. 2008
  25. Y.-M. Chen, Y.-C. Chen, H.-C. Wu, and T.-M. Chen, “An Improved Delta Modulation Technique for DC-DC Buck Converters,” IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, 2008, pp.496-501, Singapore, Nov. 2008
  26. Y.-M. Chen and, H.-C. Wu and Y.-C. Chen, “Dynamic Characteristics of the Grid-Connected PV Power Generation System,” IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, pp.1-6, Xi-An, China, Apr. 2008
  27. Y.-M. Chen and, Y.-C. Chen, and H.-C. Wu, “Improved Delta Modulation Control for PWM Inverters,” IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, pp.1-6, Xi-An, China, 2008
  28. Y.-M. Chen and, M.-W. Chou and H.-C. Wu, “Sigma-Delta Modulation Inverters for Piezoelectric Actuators,” IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual Conference, pp.2296-2300, Taipei, Nov. 2007
  29. Y.-M. Chen, S.-Y. Fan, G.-K. Chang, W.-S. Lu, and R.-L. Sheu, “Characterization of Disk-Type Magnetically Levitation Motor,” IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual Conference, pp.1330-1335, Taipei, Nov. 2007
  30. Y.-M. Chen and W.-C. Wang, “Output Voltage Distortion Compensation for Half-Bridge Inverters,” 12th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, pp1-7, 2007
  31. Y.-C. Liu, and Y.-M. Chen, “Synthesis of Multi-Input DC/DC Converters,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference, pp.2626-2632, 2007
  32. T.-R. Tsai, T.-F. Wu, Y.-M. Chen, and M.-C. Lee, “Interleaving Control Schemes for Critical-Mode Boost PFC,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference, pp.2905-2911, 2007
  33. Y.-M. Chen, H.-C Wu, and C.-H. Lin, “DSP-based Wind Power Generation System,” International Conference on Computers, Communications and Systems, pp.131-135, Korea, 2006
  34. Y.-M. Chen, S.-Y. Fan, G.-K. Chang, and W.-S. Lu, “Implementation of an Improved Disk-Type Magnetic Levitated Motor,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference, pp.2628-2633, 2006
  35. T.-F. Wu, C.-T. Tsai, Y-M Chen, and C.-L. Shen, “A Current-doubler Rectifier with Coupled Inductors for High Step-down Applications,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference, pp.3189-3194, 2006
  36. Y.-M. Chen, C.-S. Cheng, and H.-C. Wu, “Grid-Connected PV/Wind Power Generation System with Improved DC Bus Voltage Regulation Strategy,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, pp.1088-1094, 2006
  37. T.-F. Wu, S.-Y. Tseng, M.-W. Wu, and Y.-M. Chen, “Narrow Pulsed Voltage Generator for Liquid Food Sterilization,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, pp.1354-1360, 2006
  38. T.-F. Wu, S.-Y. Tseng, J.-S. Hu, and Y.-M. Chen, “Buck and Boost Derived Converter for Livestock/Poultry Stunning Applications,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, pp.1530-1536, 2006
  39. Y.-M. Chen and M.-W Chou, “Electrolytic Capacitor Failure Prediction for Switching-Mode Power Converters,” IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, pp.1461-1469, 2005
  40. T.-F. Wu, Y.-S. Lai, J.-C. Hung, and Y.-M. Chen, “An Improved Boost Converter with Coupled Inductors and Buck-Boost Type of Active Clamp,” IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, pp.639-644, 2005
  41. Y.-M. Chen, S.-C Hung, C.-S. Cheng and Y.-C. Liu, “Multi-Input Inverter for Grid-Connected Hybrid PV/Wind Power System,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, pp. 850-856, 2005
  42. T.-F. Wu, H.-S. Nien, C.-L. Shen, M.-H. Hsieh and Y.-M. Chen, “A Half-bridge 12W PV Inverter System with Active Power Filtering and Real Power Injection,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, pp. 428-434, 2005
  43. J.-C. Hung, T.-F. Wu, J.-Z. Tsai, C.-T. Tsai and Y.-M. Chen, “An Active-clamp Push-Pull Converter for Battery Sourcing Applications,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, pp. 1186-1192, 2005
  44. Y.-M. Chen and C.-S Cheng, “DSP-based Wind Power Generation System,” International Conference on Computer, Communication and System, pp.145-149, Korea, 2004
  45. S.-Y. Tseng, Y.-M. Chen, Y.-K. Hung, H.-T. Hsieh, and T.-F. Wu, “Quasiresonant flyback converter for transdermal drug delivery applications,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, pp. 1653-1659, 2004
  46. C.-C. Chen, Y.-T. Chuang, Y.-M. Chen and T.-F. Wu, “Multi-Phase Multi-Lamp Driving System for LCD Back Light,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference, pp.1823-1827, 2004
  47. Y.-M. Chen, S.-Y. Fan, and W.-S. Lu, “Performance Analysis of Linear Permanent Magnet Motors for Optimal Design Considerations,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, pp. 1584-1589, 2004
  48. S.-Y. Tseng, Y.-M. Chen, Y.-K. Huang, H.-T. Hsieh, and T.-F. Wu, “Quasi-Resonant Flyback Converter for Transdermal Drug Delivery Applications,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, pp. 1653-1659, 2004
  49. T.-F. Wu, S.-Y. Tseng, D.-S. Su, Y.-M. Chen, and Y.-K. Chen, “Applications of Soft-Switching Full-Bridge Converter and Rotational Electric Field to Transdermal Drug Delivery,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, pp. 919-925, 2004
  50. Y.-M. Chen and S.-C Hung, “Maximum Power Point Tracking of Wind Power Generators Using Genetic Algorithms,” International Symposium on Computer and Communication Engineer, pp.17-22, Korea, 2003
  51. Y.-M. Chen, Y.-C. Liu, and S.-H. Lin, “Double-Input PWM DC/DC Converter for High/Low Voltage Sources,” IEEE Twenty-Fifth International Telecommunications Energy Conference, pp.27-32, 2003
  52. Y.-M. Chen, S.-Y. Fan, W.-S. Lu, and T.-F. Wu, “Electromagnetic Force Analysis of the Magnetically Levitated Motor with Two Degrees of Freedom,” IEEE International Conference on Thirty-Eighth Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, pp.1657-1663, 2003
  53. J.-C. Hung, T.-F. Wu, S.-Y. Tseng and Y.-M. Chen, “High Power Factor Single-Stage ZVS Charger with Coupled Inductors,” IEEE International Conference on Thirty-Eighth Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, pp.1890-1897, 2003
  54. T.-F. Wu , J.-C. Hung, S.-Y. Tseng and Y.-M. Chen, “Analysis and Design of a Battery Charger with Interleaved PFC Based on an Asymmetrical Half-Bridge Topology,” IEEE Twenty-Fifth International Telecommunications Energy Conference, pp.579-585, 2003
  55. T.-F. Wu, S.-Y. Tseng, C.-C. Lee and Y.-M. Chen, “Analysis and Design of a Soft-Switching Interleaved Forward Converter for Generating Pulsed Electric Fields,” IEEE Twenty-Fifth International Telecommunications Energy Conference, pp.705-715, 2003
  56. T.-F. Wu, S.-A. Liang and Y.-M. Chen, “Soft-Switching Zeta Converter with an Asymmetrical PWM Control,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, pp.402-408, 2002
  57. Yaow-Ming Chen, Yuan-Chuan Liu, and Fun-Yu Wu, “Multi-Input DC/DC Converter with Ripple-Free Input Currents,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference, pp.796-802, 2002
  58. Yaow-Ming Chen, Yuan-Chuan Liu, and Fun-Yu Wu, “Multi-Input DC/DC Converter with Power Factor Correction and Maximum Power Point Tracking Features,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, pp.326-331, 2002
  59. Yaow-Ming Chen, and Hsu-Chin Wu, “Determination of the Solar Cell Panel Installation Angle,” IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, pp. 549 –554, 2001
  60. Yaow-Ming Chen and Yuan-Chuan Liu, “Development of Multi-Port Converters for Hybrid Wind-Photovoltaic Power system,” IEEE Region 10 International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technology, pp. 804-808, 2001
  61. Yaow-Ming Chen and Juan-Lian Ju, “Experimental Study of the DC/DC Converter for Electric Motorcycles,” 9th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 2001
  62. Yaow-Ming Chen, Yuan-Chuan Liu, and Fun-Yu Wu, “Multi-Input DC/DC Converter Based on the Flux Additivity,” IEEE International Conference on Thirty-Sixth Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, pp.1866-1873, 2001
  63. Yaow-Ming Chen, Chih-Hung Hsieh, and Yuan-Ming Cheng, “Modified SPWM Control Schemes for Three-Phase Inverters,” IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, pp.651-656, 2001
  64. Yaow-Ming Chen and Yuan-Ming Cheng, “PWM Control Using a Modified Triangular Signal,” IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, pp.312-317, 1999
  65. Yaow-Ming Chen, and Yuan-Ming Cheng, “Modified PWM Control for the DC-AC Inverter With a Non-Constant Voltage Source,” IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, pp. 938-941, 1999
  66. Yaow-Ming Chen, Yuan-Ming Cheng, and Tsong-Juu Liang, “A High Power Factor AC-DC-AC Converter Using the Valley-Fill Filter,” International Conference on Power Electronics Drives and Energy Systems for Industrial Growth, pp. 207-212, 1998
  67. T.-J. Liang, W. Fu, Y.-M. Chen, and K. Su, “High Frequency Electrical Characteristics of Various Metal-Halide Lamps,” International Conference on Power Electronics Drives and Energy Systems for Industrial Growth, pp.694-699, 1998
  68. B.-R. Lin, H. Lu, and Y.-M Chen, “Implementation of Three-Level AC/DC/AC Converter with Power Factor Correction and Harmonic Reduction,” International Conference on Power Electronics Drives and Energy Systems for Industrial Growth, pp.768-773, 1998


  1. EPARC研究團隊(陳耀銘等), “電力電子學綜論(第二~三章),” 全華科技圖書公司, 2007, ISBN:978-957-21-5683-4


  1. Yaow-Ming Chen and Wei-Cheng Wang, “Method of Compensating Output Voltage Distortinon of Half-Bridge Inverter and Device Based on the Method,” US Patent US 7,336,513 B1, Feb. 2008
  2. Tsai-Fu Wu, Jiun-Ren Tsai, Yaow-Ming Chen, “Power Factor Corrector Controller,” US Patent US 7,313,007 B2, Dec. 2007
  3. 吳財福、蔡俊仁、陳耀銘, “分相電路及功因修正器控制裝置,” 中華民國專利, 發明字第288314號, 2007
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