廖婉君講座教授的個人資料 - Profile of Wanjiun Liao

廖婉君 Wanjiun Liao

國立臺灣大學電機工程學系 講座教授
中央研究院資訊科技創新研究中心 合聘研究員
中華電信-臺大創新研究中心 主任
Chair Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
Executive Vice President of National Taiwan University
chief Information Security Officer of National Taiwan University
Adjunct Research Fellow of Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Director, CHT-NTU Innovation Center


AI for 6G 網路,語意通訊,智慧車聯網,衛星通訊網路

Major Research Areas:

AI for 6G, Semantic Communications, Connected Vehicle Networks, LEO Satellite Networks


廖婉君教授的研究興趣主要是設計與分析通訊網路協定以支援多媒體應用,她曾擔任 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications、IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 、及 IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing編輯,及 IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Steering Committee。進行中的研究包括:

(1) 6G Wireless networks: AI for 6G networks, edge computing, and energy-efficient communications 

(2) Multimedia networks: immersive communications and computing, 360-degree video and volmetric video streaming, and semantic communications 

(3) Non-terrestrial networks (NTN): LEO mega-constellation networks, quantum communications for LEO, video over LEO and NTN   

(4) IoT: AIoT, Industrial IoT, digital twins, 及 vehicle-to-everything


Research Summary:

Professor Wanjiun Liao's research interests  focus mainly  on the design and analysis of network protocols to support wireless multimedia, cloud-edge collaborative learning, and AI for networking. She was an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Multimedia and IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. she was on the Steering Committee of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. On-going research includes:

(1) 6G wireless networks: AI for 6G networks, edge computing, and energy-efficient communications. 

(2) Multimeida networks: immersive communications and networking, 360-degreen video and volumetric vidoe streaming, and semantic communications 

(3) Non-terrestrial network (NTN) technologies: LEO satellite mega-constellation networks, quantum communications for LEO, and video over LEO and NTN  

(4) AIoT: Industrial IoT, digital twins, vehicle-to-everything

Photo of Wanjiun Liao