Chung-Ping Chen (陳中平) Charlie Chung-Ping Chen received his B.S degree in computer science and information engineering from the National Chiao-Tung University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1990 and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from
the University of Texas at Austin in 1996 and 1998. From 1996-1999 he was with Intel Corporation as a senior CAD engineer with Strategic CAD Labs. Since 1999, he has been an assistant professor in the ECE Department at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Since 2003, he has been an associate professor in the EE department of National Taiwan University, Taiwan. His research interests are in the areas of computer-aided design and microprocessor circuit design with an emphasis on interconnect and circuit optimization, circuit simulation, and signal/power/thermal integrity analysis and optimization.
Prof. Chen served the program committee for most of the major VLSI Design Automation Conferences which include DAC, ICCAD, DAC, DATE, ISPD, ISQED, ASPDAC, and SASIMI. Prof. Chen received the D2000 award from Intel Corp. and National Sciences Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Award (CAREER) at 1999 and 2001, respectively. He also received the 2002 Sigda/ACM Outstanding Young Faculty award and 2002 Peter Schneider Faculty Development award.He received the best paper award from the International Symposium Physical Design, 2003.