Prof. Liang-Gee Chen (陳良基) received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C. in 1979, 1981, and 1986, respectively. In 1988, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University. During 1993–1994, he was a Visiting Consultant in the DSP Research Department, AT&T Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ. In 1997, he was a Visiting Scholar of the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle. During 2004-2006, he was the Vice President and General Director of the Electronics Research and Service Organization (ERSO) of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). Since 2007, he has been serving as a Co-Director General of National SoC Program. He was the Deputy Dean of office of Research and Development in National Taiwan University during 2008-2009. During 2009-2012, he was the Deputy Dean of college of EECS and a Distinguished Professor of Department of Electrical Engineering at National Taiwan University. He was the President of National Applied Research Laboratories during 2012-2013. He was the Executive Vice President for Academics & Research of National Taiwan University during 2013-2016. He was the Political Deputy Minister of Ministry of Education, R.O.C. during 2016-2017. Currently, he is the Minister of Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C. He is an IEEE Fellow from 2001 for his contributions to algorithm and architecture design on video coding systems. In 2009, he was awarded TWAS Prizes and National Professorship. His research interests are DSP IC design, video signal processing and bio-signal processing. He has over 550 publications, 48 patents and 31 US patents.
Dr. Chen has served as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology in 1996-2008, as Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems in 1999-2001, and as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions Circuits and Systems II in 2000-2001. He has been the Associate Editor of the Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (CSSP) in 1999-2009, and a Guest Editor for the Journal of Video Signal Processing Systems. He has been the Associate Editor for IEEE Signal Processing Magazine in 2009-2011, and as Associate Editor of the Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE) in 2002-2009. Since 2007, he has served as an Associate Editor of Research Letter in Signal Processing and for EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. He is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Journal of Signal Processing Systems (formerly the Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems for Signal, Image, and Video Technology) since 2005. During 2001-2004, he was also the Associate Editor of the Proceedings of the IEEE. He was the General Chair of 7th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium in 1995 and of the 1999 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems: Design and Implementation. He was Chair of Taipei Chapter of IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society, and is a member of IEEE CAS Technical Committee of VLSI Systems and Applications, the Technical Committee of Visual Signal Processing and Communications, and the IEEE Signal Processing Technical Committee of Design and Implementation of SP Systems. He was the Chair of the IEEE CAS Technical Committee on Multimedia Systems and Applications. During 2001–2002, he served as a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE CAS Society. He has been the program committee member of IEEE ISSCC in 2004 - 2007. He is the TPC chair of 2009 IEEE ICASSP and ISCAS 2012. He received the Best Paper Award from the R.O.C. Computer Society in 1990 and 1994. In 1990 to 2005, he received Long-Term (Acer) Paper Awards annually. In 1992, he received the Best Paper Award of the 1992 Asia-Pacific Conference on circuits and systems in the VLSI design track. In 1993, he received the Annual Paper Award of Chinese Engineer Society. In 1996, 2000 and 2002, he received the Outstanding Research Award from the National Science Council, and in 2000, the Dragon Excellence Award from Acer. He guides students won the DAC/ISSCC Student Design Contest for five times since 2004, and had the honor of Student Paper Contest at ICASSP 2006, and won the international conference on 3D Systems and Applications(3DSA)2013 Best Paper Award. He is a member of Phi Tau Phi.