馮哲川教授的個人資料 - Profile of Zhe-Chuan Feng

馮哲川 Zhe-Chuan Feng

國立臺灣大學電機工程學系 教授
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University


半導體長晶技術及材料研究, 多學科檢測技術在光學/電子材料/結構的應用, 寬能隙半導體 製程及元件研製, 電腦理論模擬寬能隙半導體及奈米結構之光學和材料特性。

Major Research Areas:

Compound semiconductor crystal growth technology and materials investigation. Interdisciplinary characterization on various optoelectronic/electronic materials/ nano-structures. Wide gap compound semiconductor processing and device fabrication. Computer modeling and simulation of optical and materials properties of wide gap semiconductors and nano-structures.




Research Summary:

Research and Development (R&D) on wide gap semiconductors have attracted intense attention and investment in the world range in recent years. GaN-based and other materials and devices, such as blue-visible light emitting diode (LED) and laser diode (LD), fast and power electronics, have formed new industries in Taiwan & world. In the past few years, Taiwan industry has grown from 0 to 80% of the world’s InGaAlP green-red high-brightness LED production. In recent years, Taiwan , China & Korea grew 700% in GaN volume & now supply 40% of worldwide market share. Asia produces almost all lasers for CD & DVD. Blue-laser DVD formats are happening now. All these materials are mainly produced by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) technology. Further R&D will promote quickly the white solid state lighting and lead to a new era of human lighting world which has been based upon Edison ’s invention of electric light-bulb more than one century ago.

His current research will focus more on wide gap semiconductor MOCVD growth, inter disciplinary materials investigation and nano-scale device development. They are hoping to make their contributions for the above revolutionary conversion in compound semiconductor fields, for example, to explore different growth methods, to study the growth associated defects and problems, to penetrate the physical mechanisms and understanding of optical and structural experiment findings, to find the way to control these defects during the growth procedure, and to achieve the high quality of III-Nitrides and other epitaxial materials. All the research works including students will perform in the good scientific and technological environments through our self-efforts and various collaborations, in EOE and NTU, in particular with industries and international collaborators. Graduates would have good trainings in the basic concepts, theory and experiments on wide gap semiconductors, MOCVD epitaxy and various characterization/processing technologies, abilities in national and international collaborations.

Photo of Zhe-Chuan Feng

代表性著作 Selected Publication

  1. Zhe Chuan Feng, “Handbook of Zinc Oxides and Related Materials: Volume 2) Devices and Nano-Engineering,” CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA, 640 pages, Sept. 2012
  2. Zhe Chuan FENG, “III-Nitride Devices and Nano-Engineering,” Imperia College Press, 450 pages, 2008
  3. Zhe Chuan FENG, “III-Nitride Semiconductor Materials,” Imperia College Press, UK, 428 pages, Mar. 2006
  4. Zhe Chuan FENG, “SiC Power Materials – Devices and Applications,” Springer, Berlin, 445 pages pages, 2004
  5. Zhe Chuan FENG and Jian H. ZHAO, “Silicon Carbide: Materials, Processings and Devices,” Taylor & Francis Books, Inc., New York, 389 pages pages, 2003
  6. G. Xu and Z.C. Feng,, “Internal atomic distortion and layer roughness of epitaxial SiC thin films studied by short wavelength x-ray diffraction,” Phys. Rev. Lett., 84, 1926-1929, 2000