宋孔彬教授的個人資料 - Profile of Kung-Bin Sung

宋孔彬 Kung-Bin Sung

國立臺灣大學電機工程學系 教授
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics, National Taiwan University
Molecular Imaging Center, National Taiwan University



Major Research Areas:

Biomedical engineering, Biomedical optics



  1. 血氧飽和濃度(oxygen saturation)連續監測:有別於臨床常規使用的夾在手指尖的脈搏血氧儀(pulse oximeter),我們致力於開發深層血管與組織的血氧連續非侵入性監測,後者主要針對大腦組織血氧。現今生命徵象儀蓬勃發展,我們開發的技術不僅在臨床上可滿足unmet need,未來開發成產品亦容易整合於現有主流的生命徵象儀產品,具有極高的商品化潛力。
  2. 大腦功能性近紅外光譜(functional near-infrared spectroscopy, fNIRS):大腦神經激活區域的細胞產生動作電位時,需要由周邊血管供給氧氣以產生細胞所需的能量,因此組織的血流量、血氧飽和度等會改變,故可用此血液動力學變化做為腦工作區域即時指標。目前研究與臨床上的主流是功能性磁振造影(functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI),相較於功能性磁振造影,fNIRS優點為造價比磁振造影儀器低了數百至上千倍、時間解析度高、可在開放環境做測量等,而且fMRI僅能測得與不帶氧血紅素有關連的參數,而fNIRS可以同時測量帶氧血紅素與不帶氧血紅素的濃度變化。我們更進一步開發新技術,定量與神經細胞能量代謝有關的分子濃度變化,比傳統血液動力學變化具有更佳的特異性(specificity)以及空間上的精度,應用於定量大腦皮質神經激活的程度與定位。
  3. 經顱近紅外光刺激(transcranial infrared light stimulation, TILS):以物理性且安全的近紅外光照射人體頭部,已有多項研究顯示TILS可提升大腦的記憶、情緒、認知功能等,對於人口越趨高齡化社會的失智症問題,有潛力能減緩其嚴重程度或是提早發現徵兆並預防之。
  4. 發展漫反射光譜與螢光光譜技術,測量表淺人體組織的光學參數:我們已建構可移動的光譜系統,搭配基於蒙地卡羅法的組織光學模擬工具,建構組織的數值模型,分析與解讀活體測量的光譜。目前應用包含早期子宮頸癌與癌前病變的非侵入式偵測,以及皮膚生理參數(如黑色素含量、膠原蛋白含量、血氧飽和度等)的量化與應用。

Research Summary:

The research focus in our laboratory is to push forward the technologies of sensitive optical detection and imaging systems and utilize these systems to aid biomedical research and develop new diagnostic tools. The long-term objective is to develop minimally invasive diagnostic tools for early detection of diseases and continuous monitoring of vital signs.

Photo of Kung-Bin Sung

代表性著作 Selected Publication

  1. Chin-Hsuan Sun, Hao-Wei Lee, Ya-Hua Tsai, Jia-Rong Luo, and Kung-Bin Sung*, “Quantifying changes in oxygen saturation of the internal jugular vein in vivo using deep neuron networks and subject-specific three-dimensional Monte Carlo models,” Optics Letters, 49(10) , 2669, Apr. 2024
  2. Tzu-Chia Kao and Kung-Bin Sung*, “Quantifying tissue optical properties of human heads in vivo using continuous-wave near-infrared spectroscopy and subject-specific three-dimensional Monte Carlo models,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 27(8), 083021, Aug. 2022
  3. Guo-Sheng Lin, Shih-Cheng Tu, Chong-Ian Mok, Tsan-Hsueh Huang, Chi-Hau Chen, Lin-Hung Wei, and Kung-Bin Sung*, “Non-Invasive Quantification of Layer-Specific Intrinsic Fluorescence From Mucosa of the Uterine Cervix Using Monte-Carlo-Based Models,” Frontiers in Physics, 10, 865421, Jun. 2022
  4. Yang-Hsien Lin, Ken Y.-K. Liao, Kung-Bin Sung*, “Automatic detection and characterization of quantitative phase images of thalassemic red blood cells using a mask region-based convolutional neural network,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 25(11), 116502, Nov. 2020
  5. Sheng-Yang Tsui, Chiao-Yi Wang, Tsan-Hsueh Huang, Kung-Bin Sung*, “Modeling spatially-resolved diffuse reflectance spectra of a multi-layered skin model by artificial neural networks trained with Monte Carlo simulations,” Biomedical Optics Express, 9(4), 1531, Apr. 2018
  6. Wei-Chen Hsu, Jing-Wei Su, Te-Yu Tseng, and Kung-Bin Sung*, “Tomographic diffractive microscopy of living cells based on a common-path configuration,” Optics Letters, 39(7), 2210-2213, Mar. 2014
  7. Jing-Wei Su, Wei-Chen Hsu, Cheng-Ying Chou, Chen-Hao Chang, and Kung-Bin Sung*, “Digital holographic microtomography for high-resolution refractive index mapping of live cells,” Journal of Biophotonics, 6(5), 416-424, May 2013