葉丙成教授的個人資料 - Profile of Ping-Cheng Yeh

葉丙成 Ping-Cheng Yeh

國立台灣大學電機工程學系 教授
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
Associate Dean, D School, National Taiwan University



Major Research Areas:

Molecular Communications, Wireless Communications, Wireless Networks, EdTech




A. 分子通訊:

隨著製程技術日益演進,生醫機器的微小化、奈米化將是未來的重要研究趨勢。在製程技術演進的同時,如何開發出適合奈米級機器使用的無線通訊技術,亦是近年相關研究的重要課題。現存的電波無線通訊方式並無法在奈米等級的機器上實現。比較可行的方式是採取利用分子作為通訊的媒介。惟分子擴散的隨機性極高,通訊的可靠度仍有許多問題亟待克服。個人研究團隊在此間研究,具國際領先地位。在IEEE Wireless Communications雜誌上有本團隊的專稿獲載(October, 2012)。此外在IEEE通訊重要會議GLOBECOM 2012中,本團隊有五篇分子通訊相關研究論文獲接受於會議中發表。另外亦於IEEE ICC 2012 與workshop發表論文各一篇,並獲分子通訊領域重要期刊Nano Communication Networks邀請發表期刊論文一篇。之前亦獲邀與分子通訊國際權威學者Ian Akyildiz教授在喬治亞理工的研究團隊合作,本研究團隊近年研究成果相當豐碩。


B. 無線多媒體傳輸:

隨著寬頻無線通訊的迅速發展,無線多媒體傳輸服務的應用日漸普及。近年我們研究重點之一即是針對視訊壓縮技術的再設計,在設計中將無線通訊的特性列入考量,以提昇無線環境下多媒體傳輸的視訊品質。在此部份我們有相當傑出的研究成果。最新研究成果「無線多媒體串流針對無線通道改變之視訊編碼適應性調節演算法」,可於無線環境中大幅提昇視訊品質,PSNR 增益達 3~5 dB。此外亦提出了無線多媒體視訊品質的理論分析架構,為文獻中首見。我們的研究成果深獲國際肯定,除於無線多媒體研究之頂級學術會議 IEEE WoWMoM 2009(接受率24%)發表外,並獲邀於 ICST Qshine 2009 學術會議中發表 invited paper,及受邀撰寫IGI所出版之無線多媒體相關教科書章節。相關研究成果目前並已申請台、美專利審查中。


C. 無線通訊實體層:

在無線通訊實體層的研究,我們主要著重的方向有二:各式通訊實體層效能的理論分析,及運用實體層技術的無線通訊安全設計。在效能分析部分,我們針對無線通訊常用之位元交錯調變碼(BICM)所提出的效能分析理論,為目前文獻中最為準確之理論分析,並可延伸至各類位元交錯式傳輸技術之分析。在發表於 IEEE 期刊後,三年內獲引用22次。個人並常受邀審查位元交錯式傳輸技術相關之論文投稿,為國際間此類效能分析的權威研究者之一。在無線通訊安全部分,有別於既有運作於應用層的繁瑣金鑰交換機制,我們提出利用使用者間通道的獨特性作為安全性來源的創新概念。經由實體層之巧妙設計來達到免金鑰交換之高安全性無線通訊,可大幅提無線通訊之安全性與傳輸效能。此成果於 IEEE WCNC 2010 發表,後續將衍生多項研究成果。


D. 互動式雲端/手機軟體設計、線上教育系統開發:

如何應用手機程式與平板電腦等可上網裝置,來幫助課堂內或課堂外教育的進行,是我們很有興趣的課題。目前本實驗室已開發多套互動式教學系統,可有效幫助課堂內教學,如:EPES (Electronic Peer Evaluation System)、課堂互動系統、BJ-Online 機率課程遊戲系統等。另外互動式的線上課程系統設計,也是本團隊的開發重點。

Research Summary:

Prof. Yeh has pioneered many educational experiments and designs. In 2016, he received the highest award for innovators in Taiwan, the Presidential Innovation Award. He also developed PaGamO, the first-ever multi-studenti game for any general courses in 2013. It received the Overall Award and E-Learning Award in Wharton-QS 2014 Stars Awards: Reimagine Education, the "Oscars" of innovations in higher education.

Prof. Yeh has pioneered many educational experiments and designs:


• He is the first to win the Overall Award and E-Learning Award in Wharton-QS 2014 Stars Awards: Reimagine Education, the "Oscars" of innovations in higher education.

• He is the first to teach a MOOC course in Chinese with 60,000+ students.

• He is the first in the world to design a MOOC-based multi-student social game to enhance the learning experience of the MOOC students.

• He is the first to design various experiential learning schemes that enables college students to be graded by elementary school students on their presentation skills.

• He is the major advocator of flipped teaching in Asia and set the record high attendance more than 2236 teachers attending a speech event Prof. Yeh on flipped teaching. 

• He is the first to create and promote the style of designing mathematical problems with creative literary writing.


Since 2010, Prof. Yeh has been the strong advocator of his teaching philosophy: “For the students, By the students, Of the students". It states that students can be motivated to learn if the teachers can share more responsibility with the students, for instance, let students design their own homework problems. Prof. Yeh’s speeches have motivated tens of thousands of teachers in Asia to start thinking differently in teaching.

Photo of Ping-Cheng Yeh

代表性著作 Selected Publication

  1. H.C. Hu, Y.H. Li, and P.C. Yeh, “Adaptive Precoder Selection for Multicast/Broadcast Service in MIMO-OFDMA Systems,” 2010 IEEE 71st Vehicular Technology Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2010
  2. H.Y. Chen, P.C. Yeh, S. Zummo, “Optimal Power Allocation and Power Control for VBLAST Systems with M-ary Modulations,” IET Communications (IEE Proceedings Communications), Vol. 4, Issue 8, 956, May 2010
  3. Y. Ouyang, P.C. Lan, T.W. Lo, Y.C. Tien, S.Y. Ho, and P.C. Yeh, “Probabilistic Cooperative Location Estimation in Wireless Networks,” Networking Conference (WCNC), Sydney, Australia, Apr. 2010
  4. J.P. Cheng, Y.H. Li, P.C. Yeh, and C.M. Cheng, “MIMO-OFDM PHY Integrated (MOPI) Scheme for Confidential Wireless Transmission,” Networking Conference (WCNC), Sydney, Australia, Apr. 2010
  5. H.W. Tseng, S.C. Yang, P.C. Yeh, and A.C. Pang, “A Cross-Layer Mechanism for Solving Hidden Device Problem in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks,” GLOBECOM 2009 - 2009 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, Nov. 2009
  6. A. Ao, Z.H.Wu, and P.C. Yeh, “Performance Analysis and Cross Layer Optimization for Multimedia Streaming overWireless Networks,” ICST Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness (invited paper), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, Nov. 2009
  7. S.C. Yang, L.S. Meng, and P.C. Yeh, “Rippling Broadcast (RIP-cast) for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, Sapporo, Japan, Oct. 2009
  8. K.L. Kuo, H.Y. Hsieh, and P.C. Yeh, “A Study on Collaborative Beamforming with Protocol Defects in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” ICC 2009 - 2009 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2009
  9. C.C. Chang, Z.H. Wu, C.Y. Shih, P.C. Yeh, and H.Y. Hsieh, “MAC FER-based codec adaptation for multimedia streaming over wireless networks,” 2009 IEEE International Symposium on , Kos, Greece, Jun. 2009
  10. Y.H. Kao, Y.H. Li, W.A. Lin, H.C. Hu, and P.C. Yeh, “Performance Analysis of Type-II Hybrid ARQ Systems,” IEEE GLOBECOM 2008 - 2008 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, Nov. 2008
  11. S. Zummo, P.C. Yeh, and W. Stark, “New Union Bound on the Error Probability of Bit-Interleaved Space-Time Codes with Finite Interleaver Sizes,” IET Communications (IEE Proceedings Communications), Vol. 2, Issue 10, 1230, Nov. 2008
  12. P.C. Yeh, W. Stark, and S. Zummo, “Performance Analysis of Wireless Networks with Directional Antennas,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 57, Issue 5, 3187, Sept. 2008
  13. H.Y. Chen, C.H. Chuang, and P.C. Yeh, “Power Diversity Scheme for V-BLAST Systems under Rayleigh Fading,” 2008 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2008-Spring), 534, Marina Bay, Singapore, May 2008
  14. D.S. Shiu, P.C. Yeh, L.S. Meng, K.C. Chen, and H.Y. Lo, “Low Power Consumption Solutions for Instant Messaging on Mobile Devices,” 2008 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2008-Spring), 2764, Marina Bay, Singapore, May 2008
  15. S. Zummo, P.C. Yeh, and W. Stark, “Performance Analysis of Bit-Interleaved Space-Time (BI-ST) Coded Systems Over Wireless Channels,” 2006 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Istanbul, Jun. 2006
  16. P.C. Yeh, S. Zummo, and W. Stark, “Error Probability of Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation (BICM) in Wireless Environments,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 55, Issue 2, 722, Mar. 2006
  17. S. Zummo, P.C. Yeh, and W. Stark, “An Union Bound on the Error Probability of Binary Codes over Block Fading Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 54, Issue 6, 2085, Nov. 2005
  18. S. Zummo, P.C. Yeh, and W. Stark, “Bit error probability of bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) in wireless environments,” IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 739, Adelaide, Australia, Sept. 2005
  19. Ping-Cheng Yeh,Stark,Zummo, “Outage probability of wireless networks with directional antennas,” IEEE MILCOM 2004. Military Communications Conference, 2004., 333, Monterey, CA, USA, Oct. 2004
  20. P.C. Yeh, J. Choi, S. Zummo, and W. Stark, “Performance analysis of coded multi-carrier wideband systems over fading channels,” IEEE Military Communications Conference, 2003. MILCOM 2003., 909, Boston, MA, USA, Oct. 2003
  21. P.C. Yeh, A. Yilmaz, and W. Stark, “On the Error Floor Analysis of Turbo Codes: Weight Spectrum Estimation Scheme,” IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 439, Yokohama, Japan, Jul. 2003
  22. P.C. Yeh and J.F. Chang, “Characterizing the Departure Process of a Single Server Queue from the Embedded Markov Renewal Process at Departures,” Queueing Systems, Vol. 35, 381, 2000