(1) 奈米光電元件:微共振腔(microcavity)發光二極體與雷射之製作與研究。以包括微碟(mocrodisk)、微環(microring)在內的各式微共振腔結構,製作發光二極體與雷射。透過實驗的方式,探討其結構對發光特性的影響,及其元件應用潛力。目前已首度完成室溫下電流注入式量子點(quantum dot)微碟雷射,臨界電流小於0.5mA,且可單模操作。此研究將有利於光電元件微型化、節能、或與矽基板的波導結構整合,應用在optical interconnect上。
(2) 奈米電子元件:奈米線電晶體的製作與特性研究。開發垂直與水平式之砷化銦奈米線電晶體的製程技術與元件特性。
(3) 超快雷射量測技術應用於材料與元件之研究。發展飛秒雷射超快量測技術,研究包括量子點、奈米線在內的各種材料與元件之載子動力學,並建立理論模型進行數值模擬。
Quantum Devices Laboratory is directed by Prof. Ming-Hua Mao. Current research focuses on three major areas:
(1) Fabrication and investigation of III-V/Si microcavity lasers and other photonic devices. The influences of microcavity structures on emission properties will be investigated experimentally and their potentials for device applications will be explored. Current-injection quantum-dot microdisk lasers operating at room temperature are demonstrated for the first time. The threshold current is smaller than 0.5 mA. These microdisk lasers with superior properties can be applied in miniaturized photonic devices, energy-saving or integration with Si waveguide structures for optical interconnect.
(2) Fabrication of III-V nanowire-based electronic and photonic devices. Vertical and lateral InAs nanowire MOSFETs are experimentally demonstrated. Other nanowire-based devices are currently under investigation.
(3) Time and spatially resolved optical/carrier dynamics studied by a femto-second laser. Ultrafast studies on various materials and devices in UV, Vis, and IR ranges can be carried out using time-correlated single photon counting or pump-probe measurement schemes in micro-PL setup.