鍾孝文特聘教授的個人資料 - Profile of Hsiao-Wen Chung

鍾孝文 Hsiao-Wen Chung

國立台灣大學電機工程學系 特聘教授
電機系副系主任 (2004-2005)
Distinguished Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
Vice Chairman of the Department of Electrical Engineering (2004-2005)



Major Research Areas:

Biomedical magnetic resonance imaging


鍾孝文教授主要研究領域為醫用磁振造影(MRI)之技術發展,其中以中樞神經系統、頭頸部、胸腔血管等為應用方向主軸。目前積極進行中之研究項目包括:(一)平衡穩定態磁振造影;(二)螺旋槳式影像擷取技術;(三)動態對比劑注射之微灌流磁振造影;(四)臨床氫原子核磁振頻譜;與(五)磁化率加權磁振造影技術發展。 主要研究合作對象均為國內大型醫學中心,包括台北醫學大學附設醫院、三軍總醫院、高雄榮民總醫院、以及台大醫院等。

Research Summary:

The major research focus of Professor Hsiao-Wen Chung's research team is in the technical developments related to clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with special emphasis on but not limited to neural, head-neck, and chest applications. The topics under active investigations at the time of writing include: (1) Balanced steady-state free precession MR imaging techniques; (2) Propeller imaging techniques; (3) Perfusion investigations using dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging; (4) Clinical proton MR spectroscopy; and (5) Technical developments on susceptibility-weighted MR imaging. Research collaborators consist of major domestic medical centers, including Taipei Medical University Hospital, Tri-Service General Hospital, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, and National Taiwan University Hospital.

Photo of Hsiao-Wen Chung

代表性著作 Selected Publication

  1. Wu PH, Tsai PH, Wu ML, Chuang TC, Shih YY, Chung HW, Huang TY, “High spatial resolution brain functional MRI using sub-millimeter balanced steady-state free precession acquisition,” Medical Physics, 40, 122304, Dec. 2013
  2. Chang HC, Juan CJ, Chiu HC, Liu YJ, Cheng CC, Chiu SC, Chen CY, Huang GS, Chung HW, “Parotid fat contents in healthy subjects evaluated with iterative decomposition with echo asymmetry and least squares fat-water separation,” Radiology, 267, 918-923, Jun. 2013