孫啟光特聘教授的個人資料 - Profile of Chi-Kuang Sun

孫啟光 Chi-Kuang Sun

國立台灣大學電機工程學系 特聘教授
電機資訊學院 特聘教授 & 分子生醫影像研究中心 光學分子影像核心實驗室召集人
Distinguished Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Head of Optical Molecular Imaging Core Laboratory, Molecular Imaging Center, National Taiwan University



Major Research Areas:

Biomedical Optics, Nanotechnology, Ultrafast Optics, Molecular Imaging




Research Summary:

The main research focus of Prof. Sun's group, the UltraFast Optics (UFO) group, is  biomedical optics and nanophotonics. Based on ultrafast optics technologies, he developed several world-leading imaging technologies, to either meet urgent clinical needs or to provide solutions to critical scientific mysteries.


Photo of Chi-Kuang Sun

代表性著作 Selected Publication

  1. S.-H. Chia, T.-M. Liu, A. A. Ivanov, A. B. Fedotov, A. M. Zheltikov, M.-R. Tsai, M.-C. Chan, C.-H.Yu, and C.-K. Sun, “A sub-100fs self-starting Cr:forsterite laser generating 1.4W output power,” Optics Express, 18 (23), pp. 24085-24091, Aug. 2010
  2. C.-F. Chang, C.-H. Yu, and C.-K. Sun, “Multi-Photon Resonance Enhancement of Third Harmonic Generation in Human Oxyhemoglobin and Deoxyhemoglobin,” Journal of Biophotonics, 3(10-11), pp. 678-658, Jun. 2010
  3. S.-H. Chia, C.-H. Yu, C.-H. Lin, N.-C. Cheng, T.-M. Liu, M.-C. Chan, I-H. Chen, and C.-K. Sun, “Miniaturized Video-Rate Epi-Third-Harmonic-Generation Fiber-Microscope,” Optics Express, 18(16),, pp. 17382-17391, Apr. 2010
  4. C.-H. Lai, B. You, J.-Y. Lu, T.-A. Liu, J.-L. Peng, C.-K. Sun, and H.-C. Chang, “Modal characteristics of antiresonant reflecting pipe waveguides for terahertz waveguiding,” Optics Express, 18 (1), pp. 309-322, 2010
  5. C.-Y. Lin, T.-M. Liu, C.-Y. Chen, Y.-L. Huang, W.-K. Huang, C.-K. Sun, F.-H. Chang, and W.-L. Lin, “Quantitative and qualitative investigation into the impact of focused ultrasound with microbubbles on the triggered release of nanoparticles from vasculature in mouse tumors,” Journal of Controlled Release, 146 (3), pp. 291–298, 2010
  6. C.-F. Chang, H.-C. Chen, M.-J. Chen, W.-R. Liu, W.-F. Hsieh, C.-H. Hsu, C.-Y. Chen, F.-H. Chang, C.-H. Yu, and C.-K. Sun, “Direct Backward Third-Harmonic Generation in Nanostructures,” Optics Express, 18 (7), pp. 7397-7406, 2010
  7. S.-Y. Chen, S.-U. Chen, H.-Y. Wu, W.-J. Lee, Y.-H. Liao, and C.-K. Sun, “In Vivo Virtual Biopsy of Human Skin by Using Noninvasive Higher Harmonic Generation Microscopy,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 16 (3), pp. 478-492, 2010
  8. S.-H. Guol, M.-G. Chou, Y.-J. Yang, C.-K. Sun, and J.-W. Shi, “GaAs-Based Transverse Junction Superluminescent Diodes with Strain-Compensated InGaAs/GaAsP Multiple-Quantum-Wells at 1.1μm Wavelength,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 22 (12), pp. 917-919, 2010
  9. Y.-W. Huang, T.-F. Tseng, C.-C. Kuo, Y.-J. Hwang, and C.-K. Sun, “Fiber-based swept-source terahertz radar,” Optics Letters, 35 (9), pp. 1344-1346, 2010
  10. Y.-E. Su, Y.-C. Wen , H.-M. Lee , S. Gwo, and C.-K. Sun, “Observation of sub-100 femtosecond electron cooling time in InN,” Applied Physics Letters, 96 (5), 052108, 2010
  11. H.-P. Chen, Y.-C. Wen,, Y.-H. Chen, C.-H. Tsai, K.-L. Lee, P.-K. Wei, J.-K. Sheu, and C.-K. Sun, “Femtosecond laser-ultrasonic investigation of plasmonic fields on the metal/GaN interface,” Applied Physics Letters, 97 (20), 201102, 2010
  12. C.-K. Sun and Y.-C. Wen, “Nano-Ultrasonic Based on GaN Nano-Layers,” Gallium Nitride Materials and Devices V, paper 7602-25, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2010
  13. 327. M.-R. Tsai, S.-Y. Chen, D.-B. Hsieh, P.-J. Lou, and C.-K. Sun, “In vivo optical virtual biopsy of human oral cavity with harmonic generation microscopy,” Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences X, paper 7569-55, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2010
  14. Y.-R. Huang, H.-P. Chen, P.-C. Chiu, J.-I. Chyi, B.-H. Wang, S.-Y. Chen, and C.-K. Sun, “Terahertz photonic transmitters with a high-gain open-ended rampart slot array antenna,” Terahertz Technology and Applications III, paper 7601-14, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2010
  15. Y.-E. Su, Y.-C. Wen, H.-M. Lee, S. Gwo, and C.-K. Sun, “Observation of sub-100 femtosecond electron cooling time in InN,” 2010中民國物理年會暨研究成果發表會(The Annual Meeting of PSROC), pp. 102, paper BP-088, Tainan, Taiwan, 2010
  16. T.-M. Liu, Y.-W. Lee, C.-F. Chang, S.-C. Yeh, C.-H. Wang, S.-W. Chu, and C.-K. Sun, “Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy on the Polyhedral Inclusion Bodies of Nuclear Polyhedrosis Viruses,” 6th Asian Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, paper P81, pp. 208-209, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010
  17. M.-R. Tsai, C.-H. Chen, and C.-K. Sun, “Third and Second Harmonic Generation Imaging of the Human Articular Cartilage,” 6th Asian Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, paper P84, pp. 214-215, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010
  18. T.-M. Liu, M.-C. Chan, I-H. Chen, S.-H. Chia, and C.-K. Sun, “Miniaturized Two-photon Fluorescence and Second Harmonic Generation Microscope with a 24Hz Frame-rate,” 6th Asian Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, paper P82, pp. 210-211, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010
  19. M. R. Tsai, S. Y. Chen, D. B. Shieh, P. J. Lou, and C.-K. Sun, “In Vivo Optical Virtual Biopsy of Human Oral Cavity with Harmonic Generation Microscopy,” 6th Asian Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, paper P83, pp. 212-213, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010
  20. T.-M. Liu, H.-P. Chen, L.-Z. Wang, J.-R. Wang, T.-N. Luo, Y.-J. Chen, S.-I. Liu and C.-K. Sun, “Microwave Resonant Absorption of Viruses through Dipolar Coupling with Confined Acoustic Vibrations,” Applied Physcis Letters; Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, 94 (4); 17(3), 043902, Feb. 2009
  21. H.-W. Chen, C.-M. Chiu, J.-L. Kuo, P.-J. Chiang, H.-C. Chang, and C.-K. Sun, “Subwavelength dielectric-fiber-based terahertz coupler,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 27 (11), pp. 1489-1495, 2009
  22. S.-H. Guol, J.-H. Wang, Y.-H. Wu, W. Lin, Y.-J. Yang, C.-K. Sun, C.-L, Pan, and J.W. Shi, “Bipolar Cascade Superluminescent Diodes at the 1.04-um Wavelength Regime,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 21 (5), pp. 328-330, 2009
  23. Y.-C. Hsueh, C.-H. Lai, H.-W. Chen, Y-J Huang, C.-C. Chang, and C.-K. Sun, “THz Anti-Resonant Reflecting Tube Waveguide,” CLEO/IQEC, paper CThQ5, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A, 2009
  24. S.-H. Guol, M.-G. Chou, J.-H. Wang, Y.-J. Yang, C.-K. Sun, and J.-W. Shi, “GaAs-based Transverse Junction Superluminescent Diode at 1.1 m Wavelength Region,” CLEO/IQEC, paper JTuD22, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A., 2009
  25. C.-K. Sun, “In Vivo Harmonic Generation Microscopy for Least Invasive Virtual Biopsy,” OECC 2009, paper TuI6, Hong Kong, 2009
  26. S.-H. Guol, M.-L. Lee, C.-S. Lin, J.-K. Sheu, Y.-S. Wu, C.-K. Sun, C.-H. Kuo, C.-J. Tun, and J.-W. Shi, “The Bandwidth-Efficiency Product Enhancement of GaN Based Photodiodes by Launching a Low-Temperature-Grown Recombination Center in Photo-Absorption Region,” CLEO/IQEC, paper CFK5, Baltimore, MD , U.S.A, 2009
  27. S.-H. Chia, N.-C. Cheng, T.-M. Liu, M.-C. Chan, I-H. Chen, and C.-K. Sun, “Miniaturized Epi-Third Harmonic Generation Microscope with a Sub-Micron Spatial Resolution and a Video Rate,” CLEO/IQEC, paper CWE1, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A, 2009
  28. H.-W. Chen, C.-M. Chiu, Y.-R. Huang, C.-C. Kuo, Y.-J. Huang, W.-J. Lee, C.-K. Sun, “THz Subwavelength-Fiber-based Near-Field Microscope,” CLEO/IQEC, paper CWM2, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A, 2009
  29. P.-H. Wang, Y.-C. Wen, S.-H. Guol, H.-C. Lin, P.-R. Cheng, J.-W. Shi, J.-I. Chyi, C.-M. Lai, and C.-K. Sun, “Bias-Controlled Coherent Acoustic Phonon Generation in InGaN/GaN Multiple-Quantum-Wells Light Emitting Diodes,” CLEO/IQEC, paper IWD5, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A, 2009
  30. Y.-C. Wen, Y.-R. Huang, H.-P. Chen, V. Gusev, and C.-K. Sun, “Specular Reflection of THz Coherent Acoustic Phonons in Solid-Liquid Interfaces,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference/Conference on Photonic Applications, Sy, paper JWA112, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2008
  31. T.-M. Liu, M.-J. Yang, C.-W. Lai, P.-T. Chou, M.-H. Chang H.-L. Liu, and C.-K. Sun, “Piezoelectricity Induced Terahertz Photon Absorption by Confined Acoustic Phonons in Wurtzite CdSe Nanocrystals,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference/Conference on Photonic Applications, Sy, paper QFN2, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2008
  32. Y.-R. Huang, C.-C. Kuo, C.-M. Chiu, H.-P. Chen, T.-F. Kao, P.-C. Chiu, J.-I. Chyi, Y.-C. Chen, A.-S. Liu, R.-B. Wu, and C.-K. Sun, “Highly-Directed Terahertz Photonic Transmitter by Using the Design of Planar Antenna Arrays,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference/Conference on Photonic Applications, Sy, paper CMM7, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2008
  33. T.-M. Liu, M.-C. Chan, I-H. Chen, S.-S. Chia, and C.-K. Sun,, “Miniaturized Two-photon Fluorescence and Second Harmonic Generation Microscope with a 24Hz Frame-rate,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference/Conference on Photonic Applications, Sy, paper JTuA57, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2008
  34. M.-C. Chan, S.-H. Chia, T.-M. Liu, T.-H. Tsai, M.-C. Ho, A. A. Ivanov, A. M. Zheltikov, J.-Y. Liu, H.-L. Liu, and C.-K. Sun, “1.2-2.2-m Tunable Raman Soliton Source Based on a Cr:Forsterite-Laser and a Photonic-Crystal Fiber,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference/Conference on Photonic Applications, Sy, paper CThGG7, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2008
  35. T.-M. Liu, Y.-W. Lee, C.-F. Chang, S.-C. Yeh, C.-H. Wang, S.-W. Chu, and C.-K. Sun, “Second harmonic generation microscopy on the polyhedral inclusion bodies of nuclear polyhedrosis viruses,” Focus On Microscopy 2008 (21st International Conference on 3D image processing in microscopy, 20th International Conference on C, paper TU-MO-PAR-A2, pp. 60, Awaji Island, Japan, Apr. 2008
  36. C.-K. Sun, “In vivo optical biopsy based on least-invasive harmonic generation microscopy,” Focus On Microscopy 2008 (21st International Conference on 3D image processing in microscopy, 20th International Conference on C, paper WE-MO-PLEN, pp. 158, Awaji Island, Japan, Apr. 2008
  37. S.-W. Chu, S.-P. Tai, M.-C. Chan, C.-K. Sun, I-C. Hsiao, C.-H. Lin, Y.-C. Chen, and B.-L. Lin, “Coherent interaction of optical second harmonic generation in collagen fibrils,” Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences VIII, Photonics West, paper 6860-03, San Jose, CA, USA, Jan. 2008
  38. C.-K. Sun, “Resonant-Enhanced Dipolar Interaction between THz-Photons and Confined Acoustic Phonons in Nanostructures,” Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials XII, Photonics West, paper 6892-47, San Jose, CA, USA, Jan. 2008
  39. C.-K. Sun, “Least-Invasive In vivo Imaging Using Harmonic Generation Microscopy,” Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences VIII, Photonics West, paper 6860-01, San Jose, CA, USA, Jan. 2008
  40. T.-M. Liu, M.-C. Chan, I-H. Chen, S.-S. Chia, and C.-K. Sun, “Miniaturized multiphoton microscope with a 24Hz frame-rate,” Optics Express, 16 (14), 10501-10506, 2008
  41. Y.-R. Huang, C.-C. Kuo, C.-M. Chiu, H.-P. Chen, Y.-C. Chen, R.-B. Wu, P.-J. Chiu, J.-I. Chyi, and C.-K. Sun, “Highly-Directed Radiation Pattern from a THz Photonic Transmitter with a Two-Dimensional Rampart Slot Array Antenna,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 20 (12), 1042-1044, 2008
  42. S.-Z. Sun, Y.-C. Wen, S.-H. Guol, H.-M. Lee, S. Gwo, and C.-K. Sun, “Observation of femtosecond carrier thermalization time in InN,” Journal of Applied Physics, 103 (12), 123513, 2008
  43. C.-F. Chang, C.-Y. Chen, F.-H. Chang, S.-P. Tai, C.-Y. Chen, C.-H. Yu, Y.-B. Tseng, T.-H. Tsai, I-S. Liu, W.-F. Su, and C.-K. Sun, “Cell Tracking and Detection of Molecular Expression in Live Cells Using Lipid-Enclosed CdSe Quantum Dots as Contrast Agents for Epi-Third Harmonic Generation Microscopy,” Optics Express, 16 (13), 9534-9548, 2008
  44. C.-S. Hsieh, S.-U. Chen, Y.-W. Lee, Y.-S. Yang, and C.-K. Sun, “Higher harmonic generation microscopy of in vitro cultured mammal oocytes and embryos,” Optics Express, 16 (15), 11574-11588, 2008
  45. M.-C. Chan, S.-W. Chu, C.-H. Tseng, Y.-C. Wen, Y.-H. Chen, G.-D. J. Su, and C.-K. Sun, “Cr:Forsterite-Laser-Based Fiber-Optic Nonlinear Endoscope with Higher Efficiencies,” Microscopy Research and Techniques, 71, 559-563, 2008
  46. T.-M. Liu, Y.-W. Lee, C.-F. Chang, S.-C. Yeh, C.-H. Wang, S.-W. Chu, and C.-K. Sun, “Imaging polyhedral inclusion bodies of nuclear polyhedrosis viruses with second harmonic generation microscopy,” Optics Express, 16 (8), 5602-5608, 2008
  47. T.-M. Liu, Y.-W.Lee, C.-F. Chang, S.-C. Yeh, C.-H. Wang, S.-W. Chu, and C.-K. Sun, “Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy on the Polyhedral Inclusion Bodies of Nuclear Polyhedrosis Viruses,” Technical Digest of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference/Conference on Photo, paper JTuA62, San Jose, CA , USA, 2008
  48. S.-H. Guol, J.-H. Wang, Y.-H. Wu, W. Lin, Y.-J. Yang, C.-K. Sun, and J.-W. Shi, “Transverse-junction superluminescent diodes at the 1.1um wavelength regime,” Optics Express, 16 (21), 16860-16866, 2008
  49. S.-Y. Chen, C.-Y. S. Hsu, and C.-K. Sun, “Epi-third and second harmonic generation microscopic imaging of abnormal enamel,” Optics Express, 16 (15), 11670-11679, 2008
  50. M.-C. Chan, S.-H. Chia, T.-M. Liu, T.-H. Tsai, M.-C. Ho, A. A. Ivanov, A. M. Zheltikov, J.-Y. Liu, H.-L. Liu, and C.-K. Sun, “1.2-2.2-um Tunable Raman Soliton Source Based on a Cr:Forsterite-Laser and a Photonic-Crystal Fiber,” IEEE Photonic Technology Letters, 20 (11), 900-902, 2008
  51. J.-Y. Lu, C.-C. Kuo, C.-M. Chiu, H.-W. Chen, Y.-J. Hwang, C.-L. Pan, and C.-K. Sun, “THz interferomertric imaging using subwavelength plastic fiber based THz endoscope,” Optics Express, 16 (4), 2494-2501, 2008
  52. C.-H. Yu, S.-P. Tai, C.-T. Kung, W.-J. Lee, Y.-F. Chan, H.-L. Liu, J.-Y. Lyu, and C.-K. Sun, “Molecular Third-Harmonic-Generation Microscopy through Resonance Enhancement with Absorbing Dye,” Optics Letters, 33 (4), pp. 387-389, 2008
  53. J.-Y. Lu, C.-P. Yu, H.-C. Chang, H.-W. Chen, Y.-T. Li, C.-L. Pan, and C.-K. Sun, “THz Air-core Microstructure Fiber,” Applied Physics Letters, 92 (6), 064105, 2008
  54. J.-Y. Lu, C.-M. Chiu, C.-C. Kuo, Y.-J. Hwang, C.-L. Pan, and C.-K. Sun, “Terahertz scanning imaging with a subwavelength plastic fiber,” Applied Physics Letters, 92 (8), 084102, 2008
  55. T.-M. Liu, J.-Y. Lu, H.-P. Chen, C.-C. Kuo, M.-J. Yang, C.-W. Lai, P.-T. Chou, M.-H. Chang, H.-L. Liu, Y.-T. Li, C.-L. Pan, S.-H. Lin, C.-H. Kuan, and C.-K. Sun, “Resonance-Enhanced Dipolar Interaction between THz- Photons and Confined Acoustic Phonons in Nanocrystals,” Applied Physics Letters, 92 (9), 093122, 2008
  56. T.-M. Liu, M.-J. Yang, C.-W. Lai, P.-T. Chou, M.-H. Chang, H.-L. Liu, and C.-K. Sun, “Piezoelectricity induced terahertz photon absorption by confined acoustic phonons in wurtzite CdSe nanocrystals,” Physical Review B, 77 (8), 085428, 2008
  57. C.-K. Sun, K.-H. Lin, Y.-C. Wen, T.-M. Liu, P.-C. Li, and J.-I. Chyi, “Optical Piezoelectric Transducer based Nanoultrasonics,” The 7th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, p. 72, Hongkong, Aug. 2007
  58. D.-B. Shieh, C.-S. Yeh, P.-C. Li, D.-H. Chen, C.-J. C. Wang, C.-K. Sun, and Y. Tzeng, “Functional nanoparticles for theranostic applications,” The 7th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE NANO), pp. 55, Hongkong, Aug. 2007
  59. T.-M. Liu, S.-Z. Sun, C.-F. Chang, C.-K. Sun, C.-C. Pan, G.-T. Chen, J.-I. Chyi, and V. Gusev, “Anharmonic Decay of Subterahertz Coherent Acoustic Phonons in GaN,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 90 (4), 041902, 2007
  60. K.-H. Lin, C.-M. Lai, C.-C. Pan, J.-I. Chyi, J.-W. Shi, S.-Z. Sun, C.-F. Chang, and C.-K. Sun, “Spatial Manipulation of Acoustic Nanowaves with a Nanoscaled Lateral Spot Size,” Nature Nanotechnology, Vol. 2, pp. 704-708, 2007
  61. C.-Y. Chen, Y.-C. Wen, H.-P. Chen, T.-M. Liu, C.-C. Pan, J.-I. Chyi, and C.-K. Sun, “Narrow band detection of propagating coherent acoustic phonons in piezoelectric InGaN/GaN multiple-quantum wells,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 91 (13), 133101, 2007
  62. H.-W. Chen, Y.-T. Li, J.-L. Kuo, J.-Y. Lu, L.-J. Chen, C.-L. Pan, and C.-K. Sun, “Investigation on Spectral Loss Characteristics of Subwavelength Terahertz Fibers,” Optics Letters, Vol. 32 (9), pp. 1017-1019, 2007
  63. Y.-C. Wen, L.-C. Chou, H.-H. Lin, V. Gusev, K.-H. Lin, C.-K. Sun, “Efficient generation of coherent acoustic phonons in (111) InGaAs/GaAs MQWs through piezoelectric effects,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 90 (17), 172102, 2007
  64. S.-W. Chu, S.-P. Tai, M.-C. Chan, C.-K. Sun, I-C. Hsiao, C.-H. Lin, Y.-C. Chen, and B.-L. Lin, “Thickness dependence of optical second harmonic generation in collagen fibrils,” Optics Express, Vol. 15 (19), pp. 12005-12010, 2007
  65. S.-W. Chu, S.-P. Tai, C.-K. Sun, and C.-H. Lin, “Selective imaging in second-harmonic-generation microscopy by polarization manipulation,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 91 (10), 103903, 2007
  66. C.-H. Yu, S.-P. Tai, C.-T. Kung, I-J. Wang, H.-C. Yu, H.-J. Huang, W.-J. Lee, Y.-F. Chan, and C.-K. Sun, “In vivo and ex vivo imaging of intra-tissue elastic fibers using third-harmonic-generation microscopy,” Optics Express, Vol. 15 (18), pp. 11167-11177, 2007
  67. Y.-T. Li, J.-W. Shi, Ci-Ling Pan, C.-H. Chiu, W.- S. Liu, N.-W. Chen, C.-K. Sun, and J.-I. Chyi, “Sub-THz Photonic-Transmitters Based on Separated-Transport-Recombination Photodiode and Micromachined Slots Antenna,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 19 (9-12), pp. 840-842, 2007
  68. K.-H. Lin, C.-T. Yu, S.-Z. Sun, H.-P. Chen, C.-C. Pan, J.-I. Chyi, S.-W. Huang, P.-C. Li, and C.-K. Sun, “Two-dimensional nanoultrasonic imaging by using acoustic nanowaves,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 89 (4), 043106, 2006
  69. T.-M. Liu, S.-P. Tai, C.-H. Yu, Y.-C. Wen, S.-W. Chu, L.-J. Chen, M. R. Prasad, K.-J. Lin, and C.-K. Sun, “Measuring plasmon-resonance enhanced third-harmonic Ki(3) of a Ag nanoparticles,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 89 (4), 043122, 2006
  70. L.-J. Chen, T.-F. Kao, J.-Y. Lu, and C.-K. Sun, “A Simple Terahertz Spectrometer Based on a Low-Reflectivity Fabry-Perot Interferometer Using Fourier Transform Spectroscopy,” Optics Express, Vol. 14 (9), pp. 3840-3846, 2006
  71. T.-H. Tsai, S.-P. Tai, W.-J. Lee, H.-Y. Huang, Y.-H. Liao, and C.-K. Sun, “Optical signal degradation study in fixed human skin using confocal microscopy and higher-harmonic optical microscopy,” Optics Express, 14 (2), pp. 749-758, 2006
  72. A. B. Fedotov, D. A. Sidorov-Biryukov, A. A. Ivanov, M. V. Alfimov, V. I. Beloglazov, N. B. Skibina, C. -K. Sun, and A. M. Zheltikov, “Soft-glass photonic-crystal fibers for frequency shifting and white-light spectral superbroadening of femtosecond Cr:forsterite laser pulses,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Vol. 23 (7), pp. 1471-1477, 2006
  73. L.-J. Chen, H.-W. Chen, T.-F. Kao, J.-Y. Lu, and C.-K. Sun, “Low-loss Subwavelength Plastic Fiber for Terahertz Wave Guiding,” Optics Letters, Vol. 31 (3), pp. 308-310, 2006
  74. T.-F. Kao, H.-H. Chang, L.-J. Chen, J.-Y. Lu, A.-S. Liu, Y.-C. Yu, R.-B. Wu, W.-S. Liu, J.-I. Chyi, and C.-K. Sun, “Frequency Tunability of Terahertz Photonic Transmitters,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol.88 (9), 093501, 2006
  75. M.-C. Chan, Y.-S. Su, C.-F. Lin, and C.-K. Sun, “2.2m axial resolution optical coherence tomography based on a 400nm-bandwidth super-luminesceint diode,” Journal of Scanning Microscopies, Vol. 28 (1), pp. 11-14, 2006
  76. T.-H. Tsai, C.-Y. Lin, S.-Y. Chen, S.-P. Tai, K.-H. Lin, H.-J. Tsai, and C.-K. Sun, “Biomolecular imaging based on far-red fluorescent protein with a high two-photon excitation action cross section,” Optics Letters, Vol. 31 (7), pp. 930-932, 2006
  77. S.-P. Tai, W.-J. Lee, D.-B. Shieh, P.-C. Wu, H.-Y. Huang, C.-H. Yu, and C.-K. Sun, “In vivo optical biopsy of hamster oral cavity with epi-third-harmonic-generation microscopy,” Optics Express, Vol. 14 (13), pp. 6178-6187, 2006
  78. A. B. Fedotov, E. E. Serebryannikov, A. A. Ivanov, D. A. Sidorov-Biryukov, L. A. Melnikov, A. V. Shcherbakov, C.-K. Sun, M. V. Alfimov, and A. M. Zhetikov, “Highly nonlinear photonic-crystal fibers for the spectral transformation of Cr: forsterite laser pulses,” Optics Communications, Vol. 267 (2), pp. 505-510, 2006
  79. Y.-C. Wen, K.-H. Lin, T.-F. Kao, L.-C. Chou, H.-H. Lin, and C.-K. Sun, “Compositional Dependence of Longitudinal Sound Velocities of Piezoelectric (111) InxGa(1-x)As Measured by Picosecond Ultrasonics,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 100 (10), 103516, 2006
  80. Y.-C. Wen, C.-Y. Chen, C.-H. Shen, S. Gwo, and C.-K. Sun, “Ultrafast Carrier Thermalization in InN,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 89 (23), 232114, 2006
  81. J.-Y. Lu, L. Chen, T.-F. Kao, H.-H. Chang, H.-W. Chen, A.-S. Liu, Y.-C. Chen, R.-B.Wu, W.-S. Liu, J.-I. Chyi, and C.-K. Sun, “Terahertz microchip for illicit drug detection,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 18 (21), pp. 2254-2256, 2006
  82. S.-Y. Chen, C.-S. Hsieh, S.-W. Chu, C.-Y. Lin, C.-Y. Ko, Y.-C. Chen, H.-J. Tsai, C.-H. Hu, and C.-K. Sun, “Noninvasive harmonics optical microscopy for long-term observation of embryonic nervous system development in vivo,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 11 (5), 054022, 2006
  83. J.-W. Shi, P.-H. Chiu, F.-H. Huang, Y.-S. Wu, Ja-Yu Lu, C.-K. Sun, C.-W. Liu, and P.-S. Chen, “Si/SiGe-Based Edge-Coupled Photodiode with Partially P-Doped Photoabsorption Layer for High Responsivity and High-Power Performance,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 88 (19), 193506, 2006
  84. T.-M. Liu, S.-P. Tai, S.-W. Chu, T.-H. Tsai, S.-Y. Chen, X.-Y. Shi, C.-H. Chang, Y. Wu, D.-B. Shieh, L.-J. Chen, M. R. Prasad, K.-J. Lin, and C.-K. Sun, “Spectral Evidence on the Plasmon-Resonant Enhanced Third-Harmonic χ(3) of Ag Nanoparticles,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference/Conference on Photonic Applications, Sy, paper QThA2, Longbeach, CA, USA, 2006
  85. K.-H. Lin, C.-F. Chang, C.-C. Pan, J.-I. Chyi, S. Keller, U. Mishra, S. P. DenBaars, and C.-K. Sun, “Characterizing the Nanoacoustic Superlattice in a Phonon Cavity using a Piezoelectric Single Quantum Well,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 89 (14), 143103, 2006
  86. T.-M. Liu, C.-T. Yu, and C.-K. Sun, “2-GHz repetition-rate femtosecond blue sources by second harmonic generation in a resonantly enhanced cavity,” Applied Physics Letters, 86 (6), 061112, 2005
  87. C.-K. Sun, S.-Z. Sun, K.-H. Lin, K. Y.-J. Zhang, H.-L. Liu, S.-C. Liu, and J.-J. Wu, “Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics in ZnO Nanorods,” Applied Physics Letters, 87(2), 023106, 2005
  88. M.-C. Chan, T.-M. Liu, S.-P. Tai, and C.-K. Sun, “Compact fiber-delivered Cr:forsterite laser for nonlinear light microscopy,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 10 (5), pp. 054006-1 - 054006-4, 2005
  89. C.-K. Sun, S.-W. Chu, S.-Y. Chen, T.-H. Tsai, T.-M. Liu, C.-Y. Lin, and H.-J. Tsai, “Higher harmonic generation microscopy for developmental biology,” Journal of Structural Biology, Vol. 147 (1), pp. 19- 30, 2004
  90. S.-W. Chu, S.-Y. Chen, G.-W. Chern, T.-H. Tsai, Y.-C. Chen, B.-L. Lin, and C.-K. Sun, “Studies of Ki(2)/Ki(3) tensors in submicron-scaled bio-tissues by polarization harmonics optical microscopy,” Biophysical Journal, Vol. 86 (6), pp. 3914-3922, 2004
  91. S.-W. Chu, S.-Y. Chen, T.-H. Tsai, T.-M. Liu, C.-Y. Lin, H.-J. Tsai, and C.-K. Sun,, “In vivo developmental biology study using noninvasive multi-harmonic generation microscopy,” Optics Express,, Vol. 11 (23),, pp. 3093-3099, 2003
  92. T.-M. Liu, Y.-C. Huang, G.-W. Chern, K.-H. Lin, C.-J. Lee, Y.-C. Hung, and C.-K. Sun,, “Characterization of ultrashort optical pulses with THG-based third order autocorrelation,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics,, Vol. 38 (11), pp. 1529-1535, 2002
  93. S.-W. Chu, I-S. Chen, T.-M. Liu, C.-K. Sun, S.-P. Lee, B.-L. Lin, P.-C. Cheng, M.-X. Kuo, D.-J. Lin, and H.-L. Liu,, “Nonlinear Bio-photonic Crystal Effects Revealed with Multi-modal Nonlinear Microscopy,” J. Microscopy,, Vol. 208 (3),, pp. 190-200, 2002
  94. J.-W. Shi, S.-W. Chu, M.-C. Tien, C.-K. Sun, Y.-J. Chiu, and J. E. Bowers,, “Edge-Coupled Membrane Terahertz Photonic Transmitters Based on Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Traveling-Wave Photodetectors,” Applied Physics Letters,, Vol. 81 (27),, pp. 5108-5110, 2002
  95. J.-W. Shi, K.-G. Gan, Y.-J. Yang, Y.-H. Chen, C.-K. Sun, Y.-J. Yang, and J. E. Bowers,, “Metal-semiconductor-metal traveling-wave photodetectors,” IEEE Photonic Technology Letters, Vol. 16 (6), pp. 623-625, 2001
  96. S.-W. Chu, I-H. Chen, T.-M. Liu, P. C. Cheng, C.-K. Sun, and B.-L. Lin,, “Multimodal nonlinear spectral microscopy based on a femtosecond Cr:forsterite laser,” Optics Letters,, Vol. 26 (23), pp. 1909-1911, 2001
  97. C.-K. Sun, J.-C. Liang, and X.-Y. Yu, “Coherent acoustic phonon oscillations in semiconductor multiple-quantum-wells with piezoelectric fields,” Physical Review Letters,, Vol. 84 (1), pp. 179-182, 2000
  98. C.-K. Sun, J.-C. Liang, J.-C. Wang, F.-J. Kao, S. Keller, M. P. Mack, U. K. Mishra, and S. P. DenBaars, “Two-photon absorption study of GaN,” Applied Physics Letters,, Vol. 76 (4), pp. 439-441, 2000
  99. C.-K. Sun, S.-W. Chu, S.-P. Tai, S. Keller, U. K. Mishra, and S. P. DenBaars,, “Scanning second-harmonic-generation and third-harmonic-generation microscopy of GaN,” Applied Physics Letters,, Vol. 77 (15), pp. 2331-2333, 2000
  100. J.-W. Shi and C.-K. Sun,, “Design and analysis of long absorption length traveling wave photodetector,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 18, pp. 2176-2187, 2000
  101. C.-K. Sun, J.-C. Liang, A. Abbar, L. Coldren, and S. P. DenBaars, “Large coherent acoustic phonon oscillation observed in InGaN/GaN multiple-quantum-wells,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 75 (9), pp. 1249-1251, 1999
  102. C.-K. Sun, Y.-L. Huang, S. Keller, U. K. Mishra, and S. P. DenBaars, “Ultrafast electron dynamics in GaN,” Physical Review B, Vol. 59 (21), pp. 13535-13538, 1999