國立臺灣大學電機工程學系 特聘教授
Distinguished/Chair(特聘/講座) Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering (電機工程學系),
Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering (電子工程學研究所),
Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics engineering (光電工程學研究所),
Center of Condensed Matter Sciences (凝態科學研究中心)
National Taiwan University,
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan
cliu@ntu.edu.tw https://nanosioe.ee.ntu.edu.tw cell: 886910666032
Google Scholar Page (https://scholar.google.com.tw/citations?hl=zh-TW&user=EG_kp-UAAAAJ)
(Citation: 8195 / H index: 40 / i10 index: 199)
Research.com (https://research.com/u/chee-wee-liu)
(D-index 33, Citation 5821)
Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (台灣半導體研究中心), NARlabs
Industry Academia Innovation School (產學創新研究學院), National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
College of Semiconductor Research (半導體研究學院), National Tsing Hua University
Graduate School of Advanced Technology (重點科技研究學院), National Taiwan University
Distinguished Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
Distinguished/Chair Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering,
Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics engineering,
Center of Condensed Matter Sciences
National Taiwan University,
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan
cliu@ntu.edu.tw https://nanosioe.ee.ntu.edu.tw cell: 886910666032
‧Google Scholar Page (https://scholar.google.com.tw/citations?hl=zh-TW&user=EG_kp-UAAAAJ) Citation: 9262/ H index: 44 / i10 index: 215
‧Research.com (https://research.com/u/chee-wee-liu) D-index 35, Citation 6133
Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute, NARlabs
Industry Academia Innovation School, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
College of Semiconductor Research, National Tsing Hua University
Graduate School of Advanced Technology, National Taiwan University
CVD磊晶為基礎,研發SiGe/GeSn 元件、stacked 3D電晶體、MTJ/DRAM記憶體、IGZO TFT、暨光電元件
Major Research Areas:
SiGe/GeSn epi/photonics, stacked 3D transistors, thermal simulation (physics-based and neural network-based), IGZO TFT, and solar cells
Research Summary:
His research includes SiGe/GeSn epi/photonics, stacked 3D transistors for beyond 1 nm nodes, thermal analysis of 3DIC, IGZO TFT, SRAM/MIM/FTJ/FeFET/MTJ/SOT/DRAM, and CMOS image sensors/Si photonics. He demonstrates the tallest transistor (8/16/24 stacked channels), the record high 2,400,000 cm2/Vs electron mobility in strained Si, the first Si-capped SiGe/Ge channels with 3x mobility enhancement (in 5nm node production now), the first CVD GeSn outperforming MBE in terms of hole mobility, the first stacked GeSn/GeSi channel GAA(nanosheet/nanowire) transistors, first CFET (complementary FET) with junction isolation, and the first Si/SiGe/SiC MIS LED/photodetectors. He also invented the tree/E FETs, beyond Stacked GAA. He has 736+ papers (282+ journal papers, 35 IEDM, 19VLSI), 91 US patents, 2 China patents, 60 Taiwan ROC patents, more than 9262+ citations with h-index=44, 49 Ph.D. graduates, and 151 master graduates. He has 5 graduate students as professors (2 NTU, 1 NCHU, 1 NDHU, 1 NJUST), and 3 postdocs as professors (1 NTU, 1 NCU, 1 CGU). Currently, he is advising 23 PhD students and 27 masters.