雷欽隆教授的個人資料 - Profile of Chin-Laung Lei

雷欽隆 Chin-Laung Lei

國立台灣大學電機工程學系 教授
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University



Major Research Areas:

Network Security, Cryptography, Distributed Computing, Internet Technologies, Operating Systems



我們利用盲簽章(Blind Signature) 的技術研究電子投票系統、電子現金及不可追蹤之交易系統等。我們以安全與效率為目標,針對數位貨幣與電子投票服務開發出用戶端高效率的盲簽章技術,使得用戶只需極少量的數學計算即可在數位貨幣系統中安全地進行金融交易或是在電子投票系統中安全地完成投票作業。相較於文獻上其他的盲目簽章技術,我們所提出之方法大大地降低了使用者所需的計算量達99%左右。同時,我們所設計的部份盲目簽章協定也成功的抑制了電子銀行中貨幣資料庫無窮盡成長的問題,而我們所開發的公平盲目簽章協定更可解決發生洗錢與勒索等的問題。另外,為了滿足消費者未來可能的多樣化付款方式需求,我們研發出數個前瞻性的電子貨幣技術,其中包括可附加但書的數位貨幣、可分割使用的電子貨幣以及匿名的懸賞系統等。這些貨幣付款技術將使得各種不同需求的用戶能夠獲得高效率且多樣化的金融服務。

Research Summary:

My research interests include cloud computing, network security, cryptography, distributed computing, design and analysis of algorithms, enabling technologies for e-commerce, privacy protection, and digital right management. Currently, my research is focus on cloud computing and network security.

To achieve both security and efficiency, we develop a user efficient blind signature scheme for digital cash and electronic voting services. By adopting this scheme, only several modular multiplications are required for a user to obtain and verify a digital signature, a digital cash, or an electronic vote. Compared with the blind signature schemes in the literatures, the computation overheads of users are greatly reduced by mire than 99% in our scheme. Furthermore, the proposed method not only copes with the unlimited growth problem of the network banks' databases but also resolves the possible misuse problem of the unlinkability property such as to launder money or to safely get a ransom. In addition, different payment mechanisms are needed for different types of transactions, we design several advanced digital cash services such as information attachable digital cash, divisible electronic cash, and anonymous rewarding services. By using these techniques, clients can obtain efficient and diversified financial services from the servers.

Photo of Chin-Laung Lei

代表性著作 Selected Publication

  1. Chin-Laung Lei, Yung-Chih Liu, He-Ming Ruan, “Access Control System and Access Control Method Thereof,” 德國專利 DE. 10 2011 088 550 B4, May 2013
  2. Kuan-Ta Chen, Jhih-Wei Jiang, Polly Huang, Hao-Hua Chu, Hao-Hua Chu, Chin-Laung Lei and Wen-Chin Chen, “Identifying MMORPG Bots: A Traffic Analysis Approach,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Volume 2009, 2009