周俊廷 Chou, Chun-Ting
- Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
- Ph.D. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2004
- M.S. National Taiwan University, 1997
- B.S. National Taiwan University, 1995
- Office : MD 618
- TEL : +886-2-33663537
- FAX : : +886-2-33663537
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- Office Hour : : Tue. 14:00~15:00, Thu. 14:00 ~15:00
- Website : http://nxg.ee.ntu.edu.tw/web/index
Major Research Areas
Research Summary
1.Cognitive wireless networks: Next generation radios are capable of utilizing unused spectrum opportunistically, subject to regulatory restriction. To fully exploit such capability, communicating ratios must discover unused spectrum and coordinate their use of spectrum without interfering the licensed radios. This research will focus on the design of cross MAC- and PHY-layer spectrum-sensing mechanisms and new MAC protocols to enable cognitive wireless communication. The protocol will be validated via theoretical analysis and simulation, and will be implemented using off-the-shelf radios to demonstrate the performance.
2.Multi Gigabytes wireless transmission: Emerging applications such as high definition (HD) video streaming and fast file transfer require at least multi-gigabyte bits-per-second wireless links. Ultra-wide-band (UWB) and millimeter-wave technologies can provide such extremely-high PHY-layer rates but suffer from throughput inefficiency or short transmission range. This research will investigate various techniques, such as directional network protocols, to address these issues. Such techniques could be integrated with GICE’s millimeter-wave RFs to provide full-system multi-gigabyte solutions
3.Cooperative transmission: Cooperative transmission requires a third device, called a relay, to participate in the transmission between the source and destination. It has been shown that by properly encoding and combing transmissions from the source and the relay, the destination device can obtain a spatial diversity gain without using multiple antennas. This is very useful for low-cost wireless devices as in general they are limited in size and battery capacity. This research addresses the issues from the MAC layer’s perspectives. Light-weight handshaking mechanisms and relay selection will be developed so that the cooperative transmission is “activated” by participants in an autonomous manner.
4.Scalable sensor networks: Sensors are widely used in manufacturing automation, building management or medical applications such as patient monitoring. These sensors may form a huge network with thousands of nodes, which eventually will suffer from reliability or scalability issue. This research will investigate these issues and develop a scalable wireless sensor network for various applications.
周俊廷教授於1995年畢業於台灣大學電機工程學系,並於1997年取得台大電機研究所通信組之碩士學位,服役期滿後,於1999年赴密西根大學安娜堡分校攻讀博士學位。2004年取得博士學位後,隨即加入飛利浦北美研究實驗室的無線通信網路部門,擔任資深研究員。在此期間,周教授致力於無線通信網路的研究與設計,並積極參與諸多國際標準的制定與整合,其中WiMedia UWB 的媒體接取層協定,即出自周教授及其所屬實驗室,該協定已被包括英代爾在內之主要電腦及通訊設備製造商採用,並已成為第一個超寬頻的ISO 國際標準。2007年十一月,周教授決定返台,進入台灣大學電信所與電機系擔任教職。
周教授的研究興趣主要在無線通信網路的通訊協定設計,包括超寬頻個人無線網路、 認知型可程式化無線通訊、合作式無線傳輸以及60GHz無線網路。周教授著眼於學術與實用並重的研究,其研究不但被包括 IEEE 802.11e、IEEE 802.15.5、WiMedia UWB及 Ecma TC32-TG20等國際標準所採用,並已發表於諸多著名國際期刊及會議。
Professor Chou has been working in the area of wireless communication and networking with emphasis on medium access control (MAC) protocols, dynamic spectrum access (DSA) and large-scale Internet-of-Thing (IoT) networks. He is also interested in new applications and services in wireless networks and has developed various prototypes for smart lighting control, offline-to-online advertisement platform and energy-saving smart campus after he joins National Taiwan University.
His work in wireless communication and networking has been published in different journals and international conferences including IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE Globecom, IEEE VTC, etc. He was also the recipient of the FAOS Young Excellent Oversea Scholar Award in 2008, and the recipient of National Taiwan University Excellent Teacher Award in 2010, 2011, and 2012. Professor Chou has also filed 5 patents for his work in wireless technologies and applications.
Before joining National Taiwan University in 2008, Professor Chou was a senior member research staff in Philips Research North America and has designed various medium access control (MAC) protocols including WiMedia Ultra Wide Band (UWB)/ECMA 368, IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15.5 mesh network, and ECMA 387 (60 GHz), IEEE 802.22 and ECMA 392 Standard (TV white space) wireless standards. He has filed 16 patents in the area of UWB, 60 GHz, and DSA during his work in Philips Research.
Journal articles & book chapters
1. Y.S. Hsieh, K.C. Wang, Chun-Ting Chou, T.Y. Hsu, Tu-I Tsai, Y.S. Chen, “Quiet Period (QP) Scheduling Across Heterogeneous Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA)-based Systems” , IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications , Aug. 2012
2. Tsung-Lin Li, Chun-Ting Chou, and Lun-Kai Hsu, “Proportional Sharing in Distributed Dynamic Spectrum Access-based Networks” , IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (under 3rd round of revision) , Jan. 2012
3. Chun-Ting Chou, etc. (Editor: Alvaro Sarmiento), “Multimedia Services and Streaming for Mobile Devices: Challenges and Innovations-Chapter 3: High-Speed Cable Replacement for Multimedia Streaming in Wireless Personal and Local Area Networks” , IGI Global , Jan. 2011
4. Chun-Ting Chou, Kang G. Shin and Sai Shankar, “What and How Much to Gain by Spectral Agility” , IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications , Vol. Volume 25 , P.576-P.588-, Apr. 2007
5. Chun-Ting Chou, K.G. Shin, N. Shankar, “Contention-Based Airtime Usage Control in Multirate IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs” , IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking , Vol. Volume 14 , P.1179-P.1192-, Dec. 2006
6. Chun-Ting Chou and K.G. Shin, “Smooth Handoff with Enhanced Packet Buffering-and-Forwarding in Wireless/Mobile Networks” , Wireless Networks (Springer) , Vol. Volume 13 , P.285-P.297-, Jul. 2006
7. J. del Prado Pavon, N. Sai Shankar, V. Gaddam, K. Challapali, Chun-Ting Chou, “The MBOA-WiMedia specification for ultra wideband distributed networks” , IEEE Communications Magazine , Vol. Volume 44 , P.120-P.220-, Jun. 2006
8. Chun-Ting Chou and K.G. Shin, “An enhanced inter-access point protocol for uniform intra and intersubnet handoffs” , IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing , Vol. volume 4 , P.321-P.334-, Jul. 2005
9. Chun-Ting Chou and K.G Shin, “Analysis of adaptive bandwidth allocation in wireless networks with multilevel degradable quality of service” , IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing , Vol. Volume 4 , P.5-P.17-, Jan. 2004
10. Chun-Ting Chou and S-K Jeng, “EM Analysis of a Conducting Scatterer in Optic Dielectric Waveguide” , IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology , Vol. Volume.16 , P.1107-P.1112-, Jun. 1998
Conference & proceeding papers:
1. Yi-Sheng Hsieh, Chia-Wei Lien and Chun-Ting Chou, “A Multi-Channel Testbed for Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) Networks” , The 6th ACM workshop on Wireless Multimedia Networking and Computing , Jan. 2011
2. Yu-Chung Chen, Chun-Ting Chou, and Chun-Yu Che, “Cooperative Localization for Wireless and Mobile Social Networking Services (SNS)” , The 7th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Mobile computing Conference, , Jan. 2011
3. Chun-Ting Chou, “On the Design of Medium Access Control for Multi-Gbps Wireless Networks in 60-GHz Bands” , IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference: Special Session on Wireless Technologies for High-Speed Video/Audio/Gaming , Las Vegas, USA , Jan. 2009
4. Chun-Wei Hsu and Chun-Ting Chou, “Interfenence-Free Coexistence among Heterogeneous Deries is the 60-GHZ Bands” , 6th International ICST Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality,Reliability,Securidy and Robustness , Las Dalmas,Spain , Jan. 2009
5. Yu-Sheng Wang and Chun-Ting Chou, “Asynchronous Detection and Avoidance (DAA) Protocol for Interference Mitigation in Dynamic Spectrum Acces” , The 1st IEEE International Workshop on Dynamic Spectrum Access and Cognitive Radio Networks , Austin, USA , Dec. 2008
6. Chun-Ting Chou, Dong Wang and Jun Yang, “Distributed Medium Access Control with Automatic Partner Selection in Wireless Cooperative Networks” , Third IEEE PerCom Workshop on Pervasive Wireless Networking (PWN 2007) , White Plains , Jan. 2007
7. Chun-Ting Chou, Kang G. Shin and Sai Shankar, “Achieving Per-Stream QoS with Distributed Airtime Allocation and Admission in IEEE 802.11e wireless LAN” , IEEE INFOCOM’05 , Miami, USA , Jan. 2005
8. Chun-Ting Chou, J. del Prado and Sai Shankar, “Mobility Support Enhancements for the WiMedia UWB MAC Protocol” , 1st IEEE/CreateNet International Workshop on UWB , Boston, USA , Jan. 2005
9. Sai Shankar, Chun-Ting Chou, K. Challapali, and S. Mangold, “Spectrum Agile Radio: Capacity and QoS Implications of Dynamic Spectrum Assignment” , IEEE GLOBECOM’05 , St. Louis, USA , Jan. 2005
10. Chun-Ting Chou and K.G. Shin, “Smooth Handoff with Enhanced Packet Buffering-and-Forwarding in Wireless/Mobile Networks” , 2nd International Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks , Orlando, USA , Jan. 2005
11. Sai Shankar, Chun-Ting Chou and M. Ghosh, “Cooperative Communication MAC (CMAC) – Anew MAC Protocol for Next Generation Wireless LANs” , International conference on Wireless Networks, Communications and Mobile Computing , Hawaii, USA , Jan. 2005
12. Hani Jamjoom, Chun-Ting Chou, and Kang G. Shin, “The Impact of Concurrency Gains on the Analysis and Control of Multi-threaded Internet Services” , IEEE INFOCOM’04 , Hong Kong , Jan. 2004
13. S. Mangold, Z. Zhong, K. Challapali and Chun-Ting Chou, “Spectrum Agile Radio: Radio Resource Measurements for Opportunistic Spectrum Usage” , IEEE GLOBECOM’04 , Dallas, USA , Jan. 2004
14. Chun-Ting Chou, Kang G. Shin, and Sai Shankar, “Inter-Frame Space (IFS) Based Service Differentiation for IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs” , IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) , Orlando, USA , Jan. 2003
15. Marc Portolés, Zhun Zhong, Sunghyun Choi, and Chun-Ting Chou, “IEEE 802.11 Link-Layer Forwarding For Smooth Handoff” , IEEE PIMRC’03 , Beijing, China , Jan. 2003
16. Chun-Ting Chou and Kang G. Shin, “Analysis of Combined Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation and Admission Control in Wireless Networks” , IEEE INFOCOM’02 , New York, USA , Jan. 2002
1. Chun-Ting Chou, “Coordination-Free Rendezvous Method for a Communication Network” , US patent, Feb. 2010