張耀文特聘教授的簡傳 - Biography of Yao-Wen Chang

張耀文 Yao-Wen Chang

Photo of Yao-Wen Chang

Yao-Wen Chang received a B.S. degree from National Taiwan University (NTU), Taiwan, in 1988, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Texas at Austin in 1993 and 1996, respectively, all in computer science.


Dr. Chang is a Fellow of the ACM and the IEEE. He is a Past President of the IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation (CEDA) after serving as the first non-US/-European CEDA president in 2020/2021.  He is currently a Distinguished Professor of the Dept. of Electrical Engineering at NTU after serving as the Dean of the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 2018-2024.   He was Deputy Vice President for Academic Affairs of NTU 2016-2018, Associate Dean of the College of EECS 2012-2016, and the Director of the Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering 2010-2013.  Dr. Chang was a visiting professor at Waseda University in Japan 2005--2010 and a visiting scholar at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2014. His current research interests lie in electronic design automation.  He has co-authored one textbook on Electronic Design Automation (934 pages; Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann, 2009) and one research book on routing (Springer, 2007), 16 U.S. patents, and more than 370 ACM/IEEE conference/journal papers in these areas (95 papers in DAC [#1 worldwide], 77 papers in ICCAD [#2 worldwide], and 84 papers in TCAD [#4 worldwide]), including highly cited works on floorplanning, placement, routing, design for manufacturability, and FPGA.  He publishes the world’s all-time most DAC+ICCAD+TCAD top papers. His NTUplace3 placer was the core engine of the popular Digital Custom Placer of SpringSoft, acquired by the #1 EDA vendor, Synopsys, in 2012 for USD 400M+. His NTUplace4 received three championships at top EDA contests and is the core engine of the leading macro placer, MaxPlace, by Maxeda, which was acquired by Synopsys in 2023.  Before the system retired, he was ranked #1 worldwide among 40K+ researchers by the Microsoft Academy for Recent Five-Year Citations in the Hardware and Architecture Domain 2011—2012.  He is among the top 2% of scientists named by Stanford University.


Dr. Chang’s research work has been reported more than ten times by EE Times; he was cited “a microelectronics pioneer in EDA” in 2013, and his team was praised as “The Best and Brightest Worldwide: The best engineering minds on the planet” in 2015, both by EE Times. 


Dr. Chang received four awards at the 50th ACM/IEEE DAC in 2013 for the DAC Prolific Author (now 95 papers, the all-time #1 prolific author), the Longest Publication Streak (now 26 years from 1999 to now, #1 worldwide), etc.  He is a 1st-place winner of eight major EDA Contests and has received 24 top-3 contest awards (worldwide #1).  He has received eleven Best Paper Awards (including the 2017 DAC Best Paper Award), the 2007 ICCAD Professor Margarida Jacome Memorial Award, and the 2020 ASP-DAC Prolific Author Award.  He has received 28 Best Paper Award Nominations from top conferences, including DAC (6 times), ICCAD (5 times), and ISPD (5 times).  He has received two NTU distinguished teaching awards (the highest honor for the top 1% of teachers for ten years), nine NTU excellent teaching awards (nine years), and many research awards, including the 2021 Academic Award from the Ministry of Education, the 2022 Distinguished Research Fellow (highest honor), three Distinguished Research Awards, and the 2004 Dr. Wu Ta You Memorial Award, all from the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) of Taiwan, the IBM Faculty Awards (three times), the 2022 Y. Z. Hsu Science Chair Professorship, the 2020 Distinguished Research Award from the Pan Wen Yuan Foundation, 2017 TECO Award, the 2018 Micron Teacher Award, the 2023 EE Medal (highest honor) and the 2009 Distinguished EE Professor from the CIEE, the 2004 MXIC Young Chair Professorship from the MXIC Corp, and the 2014 MXIC Chair Professorship from NTU.


He is currently the chair of the IEEE CEDA Fellow Search Committee. He has served as CEDA President (2020/2021), President-elect (2018/2019), and Vice President of Conferences (2016/2017) and Technical Activities (2014/2015). Dr. Chang has been an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems (TVLSI), IEEE Design & Test of Computers, etc. He has served as the steering committee/general/program chair of ISPD, general/program chair of ICCAD, and program chair of ASP-DAC and FPT, and on the IEEE CEDA, DAC, and ICCAD Executive Committees, the ASP-DAC Steering Committee, and the technical program committees of all major EDA conferences.  He is a recipient of the 2015 IEEE CEDA Outstanding Service Award and the 2012 ACM Recognition of Service Award.  He has played a significant role in the EDA development, serving as the chair of the EDA Consortium of Taiwan’s Ministry of Education and the founding chair of Taiwan’s CAD Contest 1999-2001, which has become the world’s most popular CAD Contest at ICCAD since 2012.  He has served as an independent board director of Genesys Logic, Inc, a technical consultant of MediaTek, RealTek, and Faraday Technology. He is a co-founder of Maxeda Technology, acquired by Synopsys in 2023. He is currently an independent board director of MediaTek.


張耀文現為臺灣大學終身特聘教授 (2011-2013 為特聘教授; 2013起為終身特聘教授)。曾擔任臺灣大學電機資訊學院院長 (2018-2014)、副教務長和教學發展中心主任 (2016-2018)、臺灣大學數位學習中心創始主任、臺灣大學電機資訊學院副院長 (2012-2016)、電子所所長(2010-2013)、副所長(2008-2010)和臺灣大學技轉組組長(2007-2008)、美國麻省理工學院訪問學者(2014)和日本早稻田大學客座教授(2004-2010)。

張耀文的研究為半導體被稱為晶片之母的電子設計自動化(Electronic Design Automation,EDA),旨在提升晶片設計的品質。研究成果深刻改變EDA樣貌,成為業界設計工具核心引擎和教科書內容,分別於2013和2020年榮膺IEEEACM Fellow,2013年被電資領域最重要媒體EE Times譽為a microelectronics pioneer in EDA,2015年團隊被譽為The Best and Brightest Worldwide。多年國際社群服務,協助臺灣領航EDA發展,於2020/2021年擔任EDA最重要國際組織IEEE CEDA首位非歐美的總裁,也是亞洲唯一擔任過兩個頂尖國際會議ICCAD和ISPD主席的學者,大幅提升臺灣的影響力。合著有專書兩本 (Morgan Kaufmann 出版的934頁EDA教科書等)、16個美國專利和超過370篇的ACM/IEEE期刊和會議論文。他名列全球前2%最具影響力科學家(史丹福大學),其近五年論文引用數曾名列微軟Academic Search Database 的Hardware & Architecture 領域全球超過四萬名學者中的第一名(2011/2012; 現無此統計),FPGA Switch Module 的研究論文曾列 ACM TODAES 期刊第四高引用論文 (未含 survey 論文中第二名)長達二十餘年,他曾與國內外20餘家廠商合作,NTUplace3電路擺置器於2008年成為思源科技的暢銷工具Laker Custom Digital Placer,對其在2012年以新臺幣122億售予Synopsys有重要貢獻。NTUplace4擺置器為史上唯一三大EDA競賽冠軍,為2015年合創至達科技MaxPlace的核心引擎,當今頂尖電路擺置工具,獲瑞鼎和聯發科投資,於 2023年為EDA第一大廠 Synopsys 併購。其電路擺置研究獲最頂尖會議2017年DAC (設計自動化會議) 近700篇論文的最佳論文獎,60年來臺灣唯一全領域第一名論文。WA擺置導線模型為當今最佳技術,獲國際多個團隊和公司採用。曾獲多項教學與研究獎,包含臺灣大學教學傑出獎(top 1% 最高榮譽,兩次十年)、優良教學獎(九次)和旺宏電子講座教授 (2015)、教育部學術獎(2021)、科技部研究傑出獎(三次獲滿九年;2007, 2010-2013, 2013-2016)和特約研究員(兩期六年獲滿;2016-2019, 2019-2022)/傑出特約研究員(2022)、有庠科技講座「資通訊科技講座」(2022)、潘文淵文教基金會傑出研究獎(2020)、東元獎 (2017)、IBM Faculty Award (三次;2010, 2012, 2013)、美光優良教師獎(2018)、第五十屆頂尖會議ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC)四項論文獎 (包含第五個十年2004-2013全球最多論文獎,34篇DAC論文;現為DAC 60年史上最多產論文作者,累計發表95篇DAC論文; DAC論文發表連續長度第一名,目前26年(1999年迄今)、ACM/IEEE EDA競賽24次獲獎有八次冠軍(全球第一)、11次最佳論文獎 (包含 2017年 DAC 最佳論文獎,為該會議 60 年來台灣的第一篇不分領域最佳論文獎) 和24次ACM/IEEE 最佳論文獎提名,包含 DAC 6 次 (+ 5篇 Best-in-Track 論文 + 2篇 Publicity Papers in 2022)、ICCAD 6 次 (+ 5篇 Best-in-Track 論文)、TCAD 2 次和ISPD 5 次。張教授發表全球最多的 DAC+ICCAD+TCAD 論文。 

張教授為現任 IEEE CEDA Fellow Search Committee 主席,曾擔任 CEDA 執行委員(2012-2023)、總裁(2020/2021)、候任總裁(2018/2019)、技術活動副總裁(2014/2015)和會議副總裁(2016/2017),他曾擔任 IEEE 總會 Ad Hoc Committee 和 IEEE Robert N. Noyce Medal Committee (a.k.a. 半導體諾貝爾獎, 2022--2024)委員和IEEE Smart Cities 指導委員 (Steering Committee)。張教授曾為頂尖會議 IEEE/ACM ICCAD (台灣唯一)和ACM ISPD (亞洲首位)議程委員會/會議/指導委員會主席和台灣首位頂尖期刊IEEE TCAD 副編輯 (2008-2013);由於其傑出和創新的貢獻 (例如,首創ISPD的Lifetime Achievement Award和其相關系列活動),獲頒2015 IEEE CEDA Outstanding Service Award和2012 ACM Service Award。 

張教授和業界互動密切,曾任創惟科技獨立董事、智原科技、瑞昱半導體和聯發科技技術顧問,並合創至達科技(Maxeda Technology),2023年為 Synopsys 併購。其在2000年初起 (擔任教育部教改計畫EDA競賽主席和EDA聯盟召集人),創辦各項影響深遠的EDA競賽和學術推廣活動,領導台灣團隊在國際舞台上發光發熱,大幅提升台灣在EDA領域的國際影響力和知名度,深獲國際社群的讚賞。例如,其於2000年創辦的EDA競賽,現已成為在IEEE/ACM ICCAD 舉辦的國際最大EDA競賽 (CAD Contest at ICCAD),每年吸引超過 140 個國際團隊參賽;其所帶領的EDA 課程改進計畫,已衍生出受國際學界和業界歡迎和採用的934頁EDA教科書;其於2005年起推動的EDA頂尖國際會議論文倍增計畫,使台灣於2006-2019年間每年在最頂尖EDA國際會議 DAC 和 ICCAD 的合併論文發表數名列全球第二,僅次於美國,而臺灣大學在近十七年來有十五年皆為全球各機構第一名;其於2007年推動的CADathlon 培訓計畫,已使台灣成為ACM CADathlon Contest的最大贏家 (台灣共計獲得十一屆冠軍,其中臺灣大學獲得九屆,遠超過 UC-Berkeley 的三屆、UIUC 與Univ. Michigan at Ann Arbor 的各二屆和 MIT與UCLA的各一屆)。

EE Times Citation (5/15/2013): `Taiwan: Microelectronics Expertise Widens’: “Taiwan's success so far has been in large part due to electronic design automation (EDA) expertise, where it has only been outperformed by the U.S. for the last five years -- as measured by number of research papers its presented at the IEEE's Design Automation Conference (DAC) and International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD). (Yao-Wen) Chang is typical at NTU, a microelectronics pioneer in EDA, due to receive four separate awards at DAC 2013’s 50th anniversary celebration next month,…” 

EE Times Citation (4/6/2015): ‘The Best and Brightest Worldwide’: “The best engineering minds on the planet compete each year in the ACM's ISPD design contest, which was won this year by the National Taiwan University.”

EE Times Citation (4/13/2011): ‘ISPD spots 3D, maskless-lithography trends’: “Starting this year, ISPD will initiate another tradition by introducing commemorative sessions to honor respected pioneers in the PD field, to trace their contributions in shaping the PD landscape, to explore future directions following their footsteps,” said Yao-Wen Chang, a professor at National Taiwan University and general chair of ISPD 2011. 

EDACafe Citation (11/20/2007): ‘International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD) Witnesses Global Expansion Through Asian Leadership and Participation’: “ICCAD 2007 saw increasing participation of leading researchers…, with particular emphasis on Taiwan… This year’s CADathlon featured students from NTU as winners of both the 1st and 2nd places,… the 1st time a non-US team won the champion and the 1st time the top two teams came from the same institution… These outstanding wins are the result of multiple initiatives driven from Taiwan... Professor Yao-Wen Chang, who chairs the Design Automation and Test sub-initiative, leveraged the CADathlon to evaluate the effectiveness of local VLSI and SoC education programs, aimed at cultivating graduate students to meet the strong demand of the semiconductor industry in Taiwan… ICCAD accepted 16 papers from Taiwan… 2nd worldwide… NTU received 2 best paper award candidates…1 memorial award… a first for any single institution at ICCAD.”

EE Times Citation (4/17/2008): ‘Future of Chip Design Revealed at ISPD’: “how the Taiwanese beat both the US and Europeans in the ISPD Global Routing Contest…”

Andrew Kahng (2009 DAC General Chair, “Crafting the Future of EDA,” 10/16/2009): “One example of a non-U.S. focal point: Taiwan. Taiwan schools are very strong in the CADathlon held at ICCAD each year. They win the placement and global routing contests at ISPD. And, they can be expected to do very strong research in areas such as DFM. On the commercial side, we see the rapidly increasing visibility of SpringSoft.”