
蔡志宏 Tsai, Zsehong

  • 國立台灣大學電機工程學系 專任教授
  • 2025-02 榮退
  • 行政院科技會報辦公室執行秘書
  • Ph.D. EE, University of California at Los Angeles, 1988
  • M.S. EE, University of California at Los Angeles, 1985
  • B.S. EE, National Taiwan University, 1983
  • 辦公室 : 電機二館 543
  • 電話 : +886-2-33663653
  • 傳真 : +886-2-23683824
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  • Office Hour : Thu.17:00~18:00
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寬頻網路,效能分析,網路規劃與管理, 科技政策

Broadband Internet, Performance Analysis, Network Planning, Technology Policy & Management




Dr. Tsai's research interests include broadband network, spectrum planning, satellite communications, AI, and technology policy. 

    Zsehong Tsai(蔡志宏) received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei, in 1983, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1985 and 1988, respectively. During 1988-1990, he worked as a Member of Technical Staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories, where he investigated performance aspects of network management systems. Since 1990, he has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering of NTU, where he is currently a professor.


    Dr. Tsai has been active in Telecommunication deregulations since Taiwan started the liberalization process of its telecommunication market. For many years, he was a member of Telecommunications Advisory Board of Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC), Taiwan, R.O.C. During 2002-2004, he was assigned by MOTC to serve in the Board of Directors of Chunghwa Telecom (CHT), and then 2004-2017 he became an independent director of CHT.


    During 2004-2006, he was the Deputy Executive Secretary of STAG (Science and Technology Advisory Group) of the Executive Yuan. He served as the Executive Secretary of the Board of Science and Technology (BOST) of the Executive Yuan during 2017-2021.


    Dr. Tsai's research interests include broadband network, spectrum planning, satellite communications, AI, and technology policy.  Dr. Tsai is a receipt of the CIE (Chinese Institute of Engineers) Technical Paper Award in 1997.



Journal articles & book chapters

1. Frank Po-Chen Lin, Zsehong Tsai, “A Hierarchical Edge-Cloud SDN Controller System with Optimal Adaptive Resource Allocation for Load-balancing” , IEEE Systems Journal , Vol. Vol. 14, No. 1 , 265-276, Mar. 2020

2. 蔡志宏, 林劍秋, “AI+5G:數位成長催化劑” , 國土及公共治理季刊 , Vol. 第八卷, 第四期 , 20-29, Dec. 2020

3. T.-Y. Tsai, Y.-H. Tsai, Z. Tsai, S.-T. Sheu, “A Novel Description approach based on sorted rectangles for scheduling information bearing in OFDMA systems” , Computer Networks , Vol. 115 , 82-99, Feb. 2017

4. Tsung-Yu Tsai, Tung-En Wu, and Zsehong Tsai, “A Probe-and-Update Method for Tuning Analog Self-Interference Canceller in Full-Duplex Radio Systems” , IEEE Communications Letters , Vol. DOI: 10.1109/LCOMM.2016.2594254 , Aug. 2016

5. T.-C. Lee and Z. Tsai, “On the Capacity of Smart Grid Wireless Backhaul With Delay Guarantee and Packet Concatenation” , IEEE Systems Journal , Vol. DOI 10.1109/JSYST.2015.2453322 , Jul. 2015

6. T.-C. Lee and Z. Tsai, “Improving Capacity of Smart Grid Wireless Backhauls with Deadline Ordered Scheduler and Packet Concatenation” , International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE) , Vol. vol. 7, no.2 , 86-91-, Apr. 2015

7. Y.-L. Chung, Z. Tsai, and C.-H. Yang, “A Study of Quota-based Dynamic Network Selection for Multi-mode Terminal Users” , IEEE Systems Journal , Vol. vol. 8, no. 3, , pp. 759-768-, Sep. 2014

8. Y.-L. Chung and Z. Tsai, “A suboptimal power-saving transmission scheme in multiple component carrier networks” , IEICE Trans. on Communications , Vol. vol. E95-B, no.6 , pp.2144-2147-, Jun. 2012

9. Y.-L. Chung and Z. Tsai, “Introduction to the retransmission scheme under cooperative diversity in wireless networks” , book chapter in Wireless Communications , Vol. INTECH, ISBN 979-953-307-3 , Jan. 2012

10. Y.-L. Chung and Z. Tsai,, “On the effective throughput gain of cooperative diversity with a fast retransmission scheme for delay-sensitive flows” , IEICE Transactions on Communications , Vol. vol. E94-B, no.12 , pp.3525-3531-, Dec. 2011

11. Y.-L.Chung and Zsehong Tsai, “Performance Analysis of Two Multi-channel Fast Retransmission Schemes for Delay-Sensitive Flows” , IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology , Vol. Vol. 59, No. 7, , pp. 3468-3479-, Sep. 2010

12. T.-Y. Tsai, Y.-L. Chung, and Z. Tsai,, “Introduction to packet scheduling algorithms for communication networks” , book chapter in Communications and Networking , Vol. SCIYO, ISBN: 978-953-307-114-5 , Sep. 2010

13. Y.-L. Chung and Z. Tsai, “Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Spectrum Sharing for Two Wireless Communication Networks” , IET - Communications , Vol. Vol. 4, Issue 4 , pp.452-462-, Mar. 2010

14. Wei-Chih Hong, Zsehong Tsai, “A Multi-channel Scheduler for High Speed Wireless Backhaul Links with Packet Concatenation” , IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing , Vol. Vol. 9, No. 2 , pp. 201-214-, Feb. 2010

15. L.-C. Kao and Z. Tsai, “Worst Case Performance Analysis and Simulation of MPLS with a GPS packet scheduler” , IEICE Trans. on Communications , Vol. E87-B, No. 8, , pp.2308-2318-, Aug. 2004

16. 蔡志宏, “電信服務與電信技術原理” , 電信傳播 , Vol. 雙葉書廊 , pp.1~49-, Feb. 2004

17. Mingfu Li and Zsehong Tsai, “Design and Analysis of the GCRA Traffic Shaper for VBR” , High Performance Backbone Network Technology, Marcel Dekker, Inc. , Vol. Optical Engineering, Vol:88 , pp.677-684-, Jan. 2004

18. L.-C. Kao and Z. Tsai, “Performance Analysis of A Generic GMPLS Switching Architecture with/without Flush Capability” , IEICE Trans. on Communications , Vol. Vol.E86-B, No. 11 , pp.3225-3235-, Nov. 2003

19. C.-H. Ku, Y.-C. Yang, and Z. Tsai, “An Experimental Environment for Cross Campus WLAN Roaming” , Journal of Internet Technology , Vol. Vol. 4, No. 2 , pp.85-89-, Jan. 2003

20. H.-B. Chiou. S. Chin and Z. Tsai, “A Hierarchical Packet Fair Queueing-based ACK Spacing Mechanism for TCP/IP over Internet Backone” , IEICE Trans. on Communications , Vol. Vol. E85-B, No. 1 , pp. 305-317-, Jan. 2002

21. L.-C. Kao and Z. Tsai, ““Performance Analysis of A Generic GMPLS Switching Architecture under ON--OFF Traffic Sources,”” , Information Networking: Wired Communications and Management, Part I, Springer-Verlag , Vol. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 2343 , pp.407-418-, Jan. 2002

22. W.-J. Hsu and Z. Tsai, “A Call Admission Control Algorithm based on Stochastic Performance Bound for Wireless Networks” , Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - PCM2002, Springer-Verlag , Vol. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Vol. 2532 , pp.671-679-, Jan. 2002

23. L.-C. Kao and Z. Tsai, “Steady State Performance Analysis of MPLS Label Switching” , IEICE Trans. on Communications , Vol. Vol. E84-B, No. 8 , pp.2279- 2291-, Aug. 2001

24. F.-M. Tsou, H.-B. Chiou and Z. Tsai, “WDFQ: An Efficient Traffic Scheduler with Fair Bandwidth-Sharing for Wireless Multimedia Services” , IEICE Trans. on Communications , Vol. Vol. E84-B, No. 4 , pp. 823-835-, Apr. 2001

25. M. Li and Z. Tsai, “A Traffic Shaper for Supporting CBR and VBR Services in ATM Networks” , Performance Evaluation , Vol. Vol. 42 , pp.243-264-, Dec. 2000

26. F.-M. Tsou, H.-B. Chiou and Z. Tsai, “Design and Simulation of an Efficient Real-Time Traffic Scheduler with Jitter and Delay Guarantees” , IEEE Trans. Multimedia , Vol. Vol.2, No. 4 , pp.255-266-, Dec. 2000

27. L.-C. Kao and Z. Tsai, “Performance Analysis of Flow-Based Label Switching: the Single IP Flow Model” , IEICE Trans. on Communications , Vol. Vol. E-38B, No. 7 , pp.1417-1425-, Jul. 2000

28. C.-C. Fan and Z. Tsai, “A Differentially Coherent Delay-Locked Loop for Spread Spectrum Tracking Receivers” , IEEE Communications Letters , Vol. Vol. 3, No. 10 , pp.282-284-, Oct. 1999


Conference & proceeding papers:

1. Jian-Jiun Ding, Je-Yuan Chang, Chun-Lin Liao, and Zsehong Tsai , “Image Deblurring Using Local Gaussian Models Based on Noise and Edge Distribution Estimation ” , IEEE TENCON , . Auckland, New Zealand , Dec. 2021

2. C. Yeh and Z. Tsai, “Providing Stochastic Delay Guarantees in Personal Area Sensor Networks” , IEEE VTS APWCS 2016 , Tokyo, Japan , Aug. 2016

3. T.-Y. Tsai, Y.-N. Wei, and Z. Tsai, “A Novel Method for Mitigating Timing Misalignment based on DFT Window Shifting in Cellular Overlaying D2D Networks” , IEEE VTS APWCS 2016 , Tokyo, Japan , Aug. 2016

4. Shun-Cheng Zhan, Shi-Chung Chang, Chun-Ting Chou, and Zsehong Tsai, “Platform Design for Licensed Shared Access-based Short-term Spectrum Sharing” , The 7th Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM 2014) , Arequipa, Peru , Nov. 2015

5. L.-C. Kao and Z. Tsai, “A Novel Traffic Information Estimation Method Based on Mobile Network Signaling” , the 16th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS) , Hsin-Chu, Taiwan , Sep. 2014

6. T.-C. Lee and Z. Tsai, “Improving Capacity of Smart Grid Backhauls with Deadline Ordered Scheduler and Packet Concatenation” , International Conference on Future Computer and Communications (ICFCC) 2014 , Sydney , May 2014

7. Y.-L. Chung and Z. Tsai,, “A Fairness-control-based Power-saving Transmission Scheme in OFDMA-based Multi-carrier Data Networks” , the 12th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications(ITST 2012) , Taipei, Taiwan , Nov. 2012

8. T.-Y. Tsai, T. Ko, Y.-H. Lin, Z. Tsai, and T.-Y. Hsu, “A Blind Statistical Approach for Optimal Receive Beam Steering in Multipath Environments” , IEEE PIMRC 2012 , Sydney, Australia , Sep. 2012

9. C.-W. Tsai and Z. Tsai, “Bid-Proportional Auction for Resource Allocation in Capacity-constrained Clouds” , The First International Workshop on inter-Clouds and Collective Intelligence (iCCI-2012) , Fukuoka, Japan , Mar. 2012

10. C.-T. Tung, Y.-L. Chung, and Z. Tsai, “An efficient power-saving algorithm for the downlink transmission in OFDM-based multiple component carrier systems” , The 14th IEEE Int. Conf. Advanced Commun. Technol. (IEEE ICACT) , Phoenix Park, Korea , Feb. 2012

11. Y.-L. Chung, Z. Tsai, and C.-H. Yang, “Quota-based dynamic network selection for HSPA/UMTS multi-network users” , The 9th IEEE Consum. Commun. Networking Conf. (IEEE CCNC) , Las Vegas, Nevada USA , Jan. 2012

12. S.-H. Tang, M.C Chen, Y.S. Sun, and Z. Tsai, “A spectral efficient and fair user-centric spectrum allocation approach for downlink transmissions” , Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2011) , Houston, TX, USA , Dec. 2011

13. T.-Y. Tsai, Y.-L. Chung, C.-C. Chien, Z. Tsai, and H.-J. Li,, “Transmit diversity scheme with sounding-based phase feedback in OFDMA systems” , The 13th IEEE Int. Conf. Advanced Commun. Technol. (IEEE ICACT) , Phoenix Park, Korea , Feb. 2011

14. Y.-L. Chung, L.-J. Jang, and Z. Tsai, “An efficient downlink packet scheduling algorithm in LTE-advanced systems with carrier aggregation” , the 8th IEEE Consumer Communication and Network Conference , Las Vegas, Nevada, USA , Jan. 2011

15. S.-H. Wu, Y.-L. Chung, and Z. Tsai,, “A study of dynamic network selection for HSPA dual-network users” , the 25th IEEE International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2011) , Kuala, Lumpur, Malaysia , Jan. 2011

16. W.-C. Hong and Z. Tsai, “Improving the Autonomous Component Carrier Selection for Home eNodeBs in LTE-Advanced” , the 8th IEEE Consumer Communication and Network Conference , Las Vegas, Nevada, USA , Jan. 2011

17. Y.-L. Chung and Z. Tsai,, “A quantized water-filling packet scheduling scheme for downlink transmissions in LTE-advanced systems with carrier aggregation” , the 18th IEEE Int. Conf. Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks , Split, Croatia , Sep. 2010

18. Y.-L. Chung and Z. Tsai, “Cooperative Diversity with Fast HARQ for Delay-Sensitive Flows” , IEEE VTC2010-Spring , Taipei, Taiwan , May 2010

19. S.-L. Cheng, Y.-L. Chung and Z. Tsai, “A Study of User–Profile Based Dynamic Channel Allocation in the Dual-band Environment” , IEEE VTC2010-Spring , Taipei, Taiwan , May 2010

20. W.-C. Hong and Z. Tsai, “On the Femtocell-based MVNO Model: A Game Theoretic Approach for Optimal Power Setting” , IEEE VTC2010-Spring , Taipei, Taiwan , May 2010

21. Zsehong Tsai, “Wireless Broadband Access and WiMAX Development in Taiwan” , 2009 CAPS Annual Conference , City of Industry, USA , Nov. 2009

22. W. H. Huang, K.C.Tang, and Z. Tsai, “The Architecture of Cross-Campus WLAN Roaming Environment in Taiwan” , IEEE VTC2008-Spring , Marina Bay, Singapore , May 2008

23. Tsung-Yu Tsai and Z. Tsai, “Design of a Packet Scheduling Scheme for Downlink Channel in IEEE 802.16 BWA Systems” , The IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2008 , Las Vegas , Mar. 2008

24. W. H. Huang, K.C.Tang, and Z. Tsai, “The Experimental Cross-campus WLAN Roaming System and WiMAX Integration in Taiwan” , IEICE APCC2008 , Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan , Oct. 2008

25. W.-H.Huang, K.-C. Tang, Z. Tsai, “Developing the Cross-Campus WLAN Roaming Environment in Taiwan” , Taiwan-Japan Joint Conference on Communications Technology , Hsinchu, Taiwan , Nov. 2007

26. 唐可忠, 黃偉航, 蔡志宏, “校園無線環境的升級與整合:從WiFi到WiMAX” , TANET2007 , Taipei, Taiwan , Oct. 2007

27. W. Hong and Z. Tsai, “Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation via Dynamic Programming in a Shared Wireless Network” , The 18th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications, (PIMRC) , Athens, Greece , Sep. 2007

28. 唐可忠, 黃偉航, 蔡志宏, “校園無線漫遊認證機制安全與802.1x PEAP-TTLS環境建置” , TANET2006 , Hualien, Taiwan , Nov. 2006

29. 唐可忠, 黃偉航, 蔡志宏, “以憑證中心機制強化跨校無線漫遊認證環境安全” , TANET2006 , Hualien, Taiwan , Nov. 2006

30. K.-J. Peng and Z. Tsai, “Distortion and Cost Controlled Video Streaming in a Heterogeneous Wireless Network Environment” , The 17th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications, (PIMRC) , Helsinki, Finland , Sep. 2006

31. Y.-L. Chung and Z. Tsai, “Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Spectrum Allocation of Two Wireless Communications System” , The 17th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications, (PIMRC) , Helsinki, Finland , Sep. 2006

32. J. Kuo, S.-U.Te, P.-T. Liao, C.-Y. Huang, P.-L. Tsai, C. L. Lei, S. Y. Kuo, Y,. Huang, and Z. Tsai, “An Evaluation of the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol Extension with Load Balancing,” , IEEE 11th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing , Changsha, Hunan, China , Dec. 2005

33. 楊詠淇, 唐可忠, 黃偉航, 陳偉文, 蔡志宏, “整合跨校無線漫遊環境之 VPN 認證架構,” , TANET2005 , Taichung, Taiwan , Oct. 2005

34. 楊詠淇, 唐可忠, 黃偉航, 陳偉文, 蔡志宏, “跨校無線漫遊環境下的使用者監控追蹤機制,” , TANET2005 , Taichung, Taiwan , Oct. 2005

35. Y.-J. Lo and Z Tsai,, “A Call Admission Control Algorithm for Long-Lived and Short-Lived Streaming Media” , The First International Workshop on Information Networking and Applications(INA 2005) , Taipei, Taiwan , Mar. 2005

36. 楊詠淇, 唐可忠, 黃偉航, 陳偉文, 蔡志宏, “校園無線區域網路漫遊環境建置現況與其網路電話應用” , TANET 2004 , 台東 , Oct. 2004

37. Z. Tsai, P.-T. Liao, Y.-A. Wang and Y.-C. Yang,, “Architectural Design of a Scalable and Reliable WLAN/Cellular Multimedia Messaging System” , 2004 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies , Tainan, Taiwan , Jun. 2004

38. 蔡志宏, “邁向後ADSL時代的我國寬頻發展策略” , 第二屆管制革新研討會-寬頻網路發展與用戶迴路開放 , 台北 , May 2004

39. 許偉寬,蔡志宏, “IEEE 802.11無線區域網路電視試播環境之建立” , 2003 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies , Sep. 2003

40. W.-J. Hsu and Z. Tsai, “A Call Admission Control Algorithm based on Stochastic Performance Bound for Wireless Networks” , The 3rd IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia , National Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan , Dec. 2002

41. 顧靜恆,楊詠淇,蔡志宏, “無線網路跨校漫遊實驗環境之建置” , TANET 2002 研討會 , National Tsing Hua University , Oct. 2002

42. L.-C. Kao and Z. Tsai, “Worst Case Performance Analysis of MPLS with a GPS-Based Packet Scheduler” , GLOBECOM 2002 , Taipei, Taiwan , Oct. 2002

43. L.-C. Kao and Z. Tsai, “Performance Analysis of A Generic GMPLS Switching Architecture with Flush Capability” , ICC 2002 , New York, USA , Apr. 2002

44. L.-C. Kao and Z. Tsai, “Performance Analysis of A Generic GMPLS Switching Architecture under ON--OFF Traffic Sources” , ICOIN-16 , Cheju Island, Korea , Jan. 2002

45. F.-M. Tsou, H.-B. Chiou and Z. Tsai, “Design of an Efficient Traffic Scheduler with Fair Bandwidth-Sharing for Wireless Multimedia Services” , IEEE ICC 2001 , Helsinki, Finland , Jun. 2001

46. H.-B. Chiou, F.-M. Tsou, Z. Tsai, “DMGFQ: A Novel Traffic Scheduler with Differentiated QoS Guarantee for Internet Multimedia Services” , IEEE ICC 2001 , Jun. 2001

47. L.-C. Kao and Z. Tsai, “Steady-State Performance Analysis of MPLS Label Switching” , ICOIN-15 , Beppu City, Japan , Jan. 2001

48. H.-B Chiou, S. Chin, and Z. Tsai, “A Hierarchical Packet Fair Queueing Scheme for Improving QoS of TCP in Internet” , IEEE ICON 2000 , Singapore , Sep. 2000

49. F.-M. Tsou, H.-B. Chiou, and Z. Tsai, “An Efficient ATM Traffic Scheduler for Supporting Multimedia Services with Improved Packet Level QoS” , IEEE ICON 2000 , Singapore , Sep. 2000

50. F.-M. Tsou, H.-B. Chiou, and Z. Tsai, “A Novel ATM Traffic Scheduler for Real-Time Multimedia Data Transport with Improved Packet Level QoS” , IEEE ICME 2000 , New York, USA , Jul. 2000

51. Hong-Bin Chiou, Fu-Ming Tsou, Z. Tsai, “On the Bandwidth Sharing Policy and Packet Schedulers for Internet Multimedai Services” , ITS-2000 , Taipei, Taiwan , Jul. 2000

52. H.-B. Chiou, S. Chin, and Z. Tsai, “A Hierarchical Packet Fair Queueing Scheme for Improving QoS of TCP over Satellite” , IEEE ICOIN-14 , Hsin-Chu, , Taiwan , Jan. 2000

53. 石世豪,蔡志宏,徐偉仁, 簡志昇, “有線電視產業競爭規範之研究” , 第六屆競爭政策與公平交易法學術研討會 , Taipei, Taiwan , Jan. 2000

54. F.-M.Tsou and Z. Tsai, “Gated Scheduling Algorithms in Packet Switching Networks” , IEEE ICCCN ’99 , Boston, USA , Oct. 1999

55. 吳潮銘,蔡建良,黃金維,蔡志宏, “網際網路服務品質查詢系統之設計與實作” , TANET ’99 , Kaohsiung, Taiwan , Oct. 1999

56. 李旬政,蔡志宏, “寬頻非對稱網路TCP傳輸效能改善方法之研究” , TANET ’99 , Kaohsiung, Taiwan , Sep. 1999



1. 施俊吉,鄭優,何之邁,石世豪,蔡志宏, “有線電視產業競爭規範之研究” , 公平交易委員會 , 222 , 台灣, Mar. 2000

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